How do punks feel about being in the Army?
How do punks feel about being in the Army?
They don't like it, their preferred haircut is out of regs
the military is for posers, unless you're going in there to try and fuck the system
yeah, you never see any punk posers.
Most ‘punks’ I know either fell into other stupid categories
Neo nazis
Hard core
Straight edge
Artsy fags
Anyone repping a Mohawk after age 16 is usually a moron anyway
I used to think it was a crock of shit, career military still is, but after hearing how some of my friends hopped borders selling heroin they murderstole from child fucking sandniggers and got out with a shit load of money it seemed way cooler than how i spent those years which was just getting drunk and doing drugs on the street.
If you look at it like team america world police 4 years edition it seems like it could be fun. In the big picture all militaries are fake and gay just like lolitics anyways. NWO happened when they killed jfk you fucking sheeple retards
kill yourselves
im punk since '09 i was 12 years old running the streets of orlando going to shows
wow such edgy! I want to grow up to be as cool as you one day.
A real punk would never say I'm punk since anything. Good job you sell out, poser, fag!
I have conflicting views on the being anti authority, but I want to serve my country and serve the people.
A real punk rocker would not go in the army. It pretty much goes against every thing that a punk believes in.
as a "punk" from a military family, shit's pretty lame. pretty silly to sign up to serve a government that has gotten off on fucking people over for years and not expect to get fucked. not to mention that aside from the mental damage and and physical hardships on the body, your job is to protect the "interests" of the federal government, which TOTALLY hasn't used its power to commit harm for the better part of the last two centuries.
you go to uncle lous ever?
wattie from the exploited was in the army. he got kicked out though
You kinda made my point. A real punk can't make it in the army. Doesn't mesh well at all.
yeah that place is tiny as fuck, think I saw the queers there once
Why the fuck do my fundamental views have to conflict so badly???
Nice to see someone still going to punk shows. I've seen the queers so many times that I kinda just do it out of respect now.
last I was in orlando the punk scene phased out and everyone became hardcore kids,
damn i never saw anything but locals there, usually republicorpse, or Khann
you ever get to the 13 before they got shut down? we only lasted like 6 months but damn we had some great local shows there
Florida has a few decent new bands. Real People and Android are real fuckin good
You poor bastard, they've already got to you. You can rock a Mohawk until the day you die if no fucks are givin.
They don't like the helmets.
a lot of the people that were keeping the scene alive left orlando around 2012, myself included
i used to book shows at the old wills all the time
I've been in the Texas punk scene for going on 26 years now. Touring punk bands who went threw Florida said that the straight edge kids there were fucking crazy. They would tell me that the straight edge kids would slash their tiers and break out Windows in the tour van. They would also spray paint "keeping the scene clean" on the tour vans.
i mostly went to the social, uncle lous, firestone, and once went to the little hipster cafe called taste that had some cool bands, and tater tots
Isn't FEST in Florida every year?
Funny thing is half of those straight edge kids drink and smoke weed and get no pussy whatsoever and not by choice lol
So have you seen/heard of straight edge kids doing that in florida?
Y'all going to give me a double double on that one?
Then I get doubs trips! Someone give some love already!