Where do you stand on the issue of women being raped user ? pro or against ?

where do you stand on the issue of women being raped user ? pro or against ?

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I agree... women should be better trained. Wouldn't have to rape if they just gave it up.

Personal responsibility, mate. Getting over the edginess commonly encountered here, should women get raped? No. Does it happen? Yes. Knowing that, dressing like whore, exposing yourself, getting drunk like a sailor at a bar, flirting and hinting at sexual encounters with random, mostly dominant guys, only to reject them afterwards...doesn't seem like a good idea now does it? If, as a woman, you know you can't protect yourself, don't invite the idea of getting your stupid ass raped only to sheepishly ask later " how did happen? Why me?". It's your fuckin' responsibility to protect yourself, man or woman. Being stupid is not an excuse. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

That steak is vanishing the moment she leaves the room.


i woke up the old lady the other night
made her take it the ass
went to sleep

Why shouldn’t women get raped besides moral implications?

>Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
Get out, don't come back

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Never pulled out slept on top of her, what a Chad

Has he triggered your jimmies?

I mean what some consider being nice can be misinterpreted as flirting. Especially if you're drunk. I think it's terrible that a female wants to get as shitfaced as me at parties or gatherings, and can't cause they'd be more likely raped if they pass out. Or hey, think of going down to an all male gay bar(doubt such a thing exists) were a bunch of dudes are drinking/flirting and try not to worry about some dude finding you passed out and fucking your ass real quick.

I didn't mention anything about moral implications. Fuck that. Rape is rarely purely about sex. If I want to dominate, I can surely do it some other way. If I want to fuck a chick, I make my move and if she doesn't want it too, depending on how she acts, I can either decide to get sex from another one or play with this one until she asks for it. Using my strength to overpower her and stick it in her just feels...too easy.

Yeah but most women just let the dog eat the steak without saying anything and then regret it afterwards and then get angry at the dog.

>all male gay bar(doubt such a thing exists)
No women allowed. no it doesnt exist. Like ladies-night at the gay club does allow men. Having a gay bar on a Sat night packed with men and NOT seeing a single woman. Happens alot. Get drunk off your ass with no one watching out for you, you WILL wake up covered in cum.

a chick's clothes isn't an invitation to being raped.
but it's the bigger part of the explanation on why.

That barely makes sense and I wrote it.

i once had a co-worker that had zero grasp on how women works. he actually though that girls act nice towards guys they like and when they're smiling, that's final confirmation.

>dog eats steak when you get up and go to the bathroom

It was like reading Shakespeare user

Sure rape is jail-worthy, but if you are asking for it you deal for it, even when the rapist must be jailed. Its like im walking alone on a conflictive place with a bunch of money on my hands, im asking to be robbed even if im not the criminal here.

Triggered over a redditard? Is it reasonable to get mad at a person with limited mental abilities? Most people would say no.

That's a lot of words when you could have just said "nigger"

honestly thanks for the laugh

>>to the people that say women get raped due to the way they are dressed.

Does anyone even really say that?

Fucking pit trash doggo

I'm not in the mood for cursing. You're very welcome to berate our friend on my behalf.



Unfair comparison.
Boxer Pits are one of the best dog breeds.

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It was said up to about 30 years ago and started dying off, unfortunately the dinosaurs that still more or less run the world still say that, still think that women can control their period flow like pee and that 'legitimate' rape doesn't lead to pregnancy because the body 'has a way of shutting that all down'.

Generally, aside from dinosaurs and 'edgy' fuckwits, no, almost nobody says that, but every now and then it comes up, and then the SJW rage machine kicks into overdrive and we need to pretend that it's still 1950 out there.

Pure white quints

Lol what did he do?

Fuck me thoughs pents

Goddamn I'm proud of myself

i have this vague memory of reading something (maybe here on Yas Forums) that it was some canadian cop who was giving one of those educational speeches at some university that said that. and ever since then feminists haven't let it go.

Only said moral implications because you didn’t specify.

Why is that it’s easy make it wrong tho? Same thing about slaves, if they don’t have the means to protect them selves or someone to do it for them why not take advantage?

It's called civilization faggot, if we use that logic what stopping me from rapping your ass if you are weaker than me.