One of my best friends is a morbid alcoholic. Apparently he was hospitalized for this a couple years ago before he moved to this city and almost died. Same thing happened to him a couple months ago. Two days after he got released from the hospital, he posted a photo on Facebook of a fancy new bottle of champagne he got.
About a month after that he called me and said he had fallen off the wagon again. Then he texted me and said he was in the hospital. Didn't respond to specifics, but the next day after that he texted me and said he was being taken to the mental hospital for observation. I didn't know they took his cell phone away, so for the next three days, I was freaking out that he wasn't responding to phone, text, Facebook, anything. But he was okay.
But then a couple weeks after that, he goes to the mental hospital for a week at a time without telling me, completely unresponsive to any communication. This was shortly after he told me about suicidal thoughts. I thought he might have been dead. Turns out he wasn't, but I was angry he waited so long to call me from the hospital.
More recently, he's just been aggressively alcoholic and helpless about it. Keeps trying to quit, but sometimes drinks up to 2 fifths a day. He's called me to help him with a hangover, which is annoying when I'm at work (I work from home, but still annoying). He's constantly broke and has to wait to get his SSI check. One time he had me Venmo him $50 for food, but he ended up spending almost all of it on alcohol. Then he made me to DoorDash him food/supplies so that he won't spend money on alcohol.
I also resent that he doesn't have to work. He's bipolar and has PTSD, so he's on SSI and only pays like $30 a month for his apartment. I work all day, which he sometimes interrupts by telling me what comedy specials he's watching.
Anyway, my secret is that I resent him, and some of these times that he leaves me hanging so long and I think he might be dead, an evil part of me wishes he was.