Drawthread: Blacks vs Whites Edition

Drawthread: Blacks vs Whites Edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


>inb4 vorefag posts his "reee avatarfags" copypasta

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Requesting Toon Link giving a buttjob in the cowgirl position while wearing any of these costumes, or wearing white stockings and a thong only while saying "Gay over"
Position examples: rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=3524140

Attached: 344.jpg (1420x4130, 794.05K)

Would like to request an anthro female otter in a hoodie getting hypnotized and molested.

back to Yas Forums

Also post your requests I forgot what yall wanted

Attached: FETISHFAG BINGO 1.png (2008x1464, 530.4K)

hey losers
really feeling the big sad today for no particular reason
cute requests? no fetish shit and no re-requesters

Attached: Star0082.png (800x600, 82.99K)

requesting a filthy user licking angel's/pigeon's thighs.

What about a vegetable of your choice, armed with a bolt-action rifle?

heya star, can you draw some wholesome terraria

>no fetish shit and no re-requesters
wrong board

Fuck off

requesting a pale skin, brunette girl with round glasses

stop being sad ffucking loser

cry harder sped

Attached: 1583468688654.jpg (720x622, 79.55K)

it is obvious when avatarfags samefag.

You'll see Avatarfag A enter the thread, and they'll always be given the same style responses from "anons" every single time. The chances that Avatarfag A and the same anons appear in every thread together dozens, if not, hundreds of times is slim to none. Even some sort of coordination with other avatarfags in the Discord chats would be near impossible that many times.

Now is every positive response they get a samefagging attempt?
No. Of course not. All I'm saying is it's blatantly obvious when they do, and calling it out when it does happen, there's nothing wrong with that.

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go outside

Draw Star and a second OC laughing at someone's expense

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Hey look a filtered post
The copypasta has begun

Masterfully scoped. Your reward for being such a crack shot is one ticket to anywhere outside of your God damn room.

her licking some ice cream

Attached: catgurk.jpg (474x711, 66.86K)

quiet cuck. your opinion was not required.

Requesting pictured in gym attire working out. Any art style, wholesome preferred.

Please and Thank you.

Attached: 20200424_211845.png (1630x3547, 1.59M)


lets start again xD

hi fellas, gimme some cool requests

ayyy i did that xD

Attached: artsimus.jpg (2480x3508, 1.08M)

Fuck off

May I direct your attention to ?

could you draw this boy? sfw

Attached: basic.jpg (700x1040, 46.87K)

Awww yeah dude I liked it a lot

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I don't get it. The drawfags have abandoned the place they came from entirely after the migration to skype and then discord. The remaining members are pretty close with the friends they made here, some of them have been talking to eachother consistently for over ten years. They all claim to despise drama, constantly try to prove themselves morally superior to the rest, looking down on other servers and cliques that they don't agree with, it's pretty natural, right? One would think that after so many years of essentially "settling down" they would be done with all of their extreme drama, I mean, how many different enemies and conflicts can you have with such a limited amount of people for such a long period of time right? Yet it still happens. Why? Who knows. It's interesting to see the progression of this niche community, because despite their attempts to be better, to get their amibitions back and try to actually achieve something in life, they turn back to this place. Having friends online isn't necessarily a bad thing, but their addiction and how much they depend on their online friends for comfort is so self destructive it hurts.
The worst part though? After all this time, after condeming this website and these threads in particular, they still come back. They always come back. Not with their art or filenames, not posting their discords to get more drawfriends, but to stir things up. To insert themselves into conversations in the hopes that another anonymous drawfag will respond, know who they are, say something about someone they dislike. They bring up old names, baiting, "who is this person? what did they do?" just to bring back the topic so that they can look back at that one time they were slightly relevant. And there are anons out here enabling this It's sad. So sad. Please just take a step back and cleanse yourselves of this addiction to small breadcrumbs of validation provided by unimportant people on the internet just knowing about you.

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Hey look a filtered post

Nice image user

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quiet cuck. your opinion was not required.

draw angel lewds

requesting this guy playing the saxophone

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Is it the simpletons one, the mcfucking had it one, the sage one or the cat one? Eurofag one does post until around 11

That's a lot to read can I please have a tl;dr version?

Draw K999 getting cummed on

Attached: k999.jpg (340x191, 21.85K)

do you have a reff for the type of girl u want?

fo shizzle

FUCK YAH DUDE, ill be around more often, just finished my last cool leg class today

Attached: huh.jpg (690x873, 32.81K)

>fo shizzle

Fuck off

...Which post are you accusing of being by one of the many fetishfags listed? The rant?

It means yes in kool kid klub speak

cry harder

The true problem with Yas Forums drawthreads is the focus around the individuals and not the content. It's literally the opposite of what imageboards were created for.

The people here FORCE identification onto the posters here. People will blame the avatarfags, and while they are in part responsible, they're not the root of the problem. They're merely a symptom, a symptom that reinforces the negative behavior of focusing around the individual, the persona, and not the content being produced.

You'll see that other drawthreads focus on the content. Hell, you'll see that on literally every other thread on the site. It creates a unique, and ultimately positive, culture that focuses on the production of entertaining and intellectually vigorous content, depending on the board and thread that is. Imageboards were designed to negate the individual, the persona. They're designed to destroy any attempt at attention whoring. It's why we have no likes, no favorites, no user accounts, and with Yas Forums in particular, no namefag option. There's a reason why people on imageboards generally dislike namefags, tripfags, and avatarfags. It's because it's a direct attack on the very culture of imageboards. No one cares about you. They only care about the content you post.

Yet here, in these threads, there are anons that insist on going against everything imageboards stand for, and they found a loophole to allow their attention whoring nonsense. Personalities are the focus on these threads, not the content. And much like you'd see on social media whose very design also focuses on the individual, you're left with old, recycled, unoriginal content combined with nonsensical attention whoring and endless bickering.

As long as people focus on the individuals posting here and not the content, these threads are going to be exceptionally shitty

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taking requests of loli or toddler porn only.

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Fuck off

Thank you


Halo penetration

man id rather ask for permission from angel, if they agree sure

i was in the midle of doing this one already xD

uhhhhm i dont even know what this is xD

Attached: request.jpg (3508x3508, 329.8K)

Fuck off

I don't know why, but i'll tell you all this.

This site has nothing to offer anybody. There is no quality content here you cannot get more quickly and efficiently elsewhere. This is an addiction which reduces your productivity, attention span, and free time. You are becoming more bitter, narrow minded, haughty, and old. Leave now and block this site. There is nothing here but a slow, lonely suicide.

People do not have arguments here. Posters do not engage one another on key points, they nitpick with greentext and mock each other. Nobody is interested in the truth; people are battling for fleeting moments of superiority. Active avatarfags or "drawfags" you like to call them are loud jackasses who tumble into post after post, anxiously looking for validation from somebody. An insightful post is one in ten thousand, and no matter how hard you filter this place you are still searching for diamonds in a garbage dump.

This place is not making you happy. You are not having fun. You are not drawing for practice, learning, or growing as a person. And you are most certainly not making an audience or name for yourself. Instead you chuckle every thirty minutes and are occasionally spurred to masturbation by libidinal posts or drawings. You are addicted to readily available information and pressure free social interaction. This place is slowly poisoning you with misogyny, narcissim, a false dichotomy surrounding normalfags, and insecurity.

Any form of "art" here is a joke. Any drawings posted here is a waste. If you post here with intent of making a fanbase, you already lose.

I'm not telling you to b urself. I'm not telling you to go outside. I'm not even telling you to make friends. Just leave Yas Forums. Do anything else.

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thank you for the consideration, dinosaur

Not the tagged user but angel has previously said that he was fine with people drawing stuff with his character


quiet cuck. your opinion was not required.

>inb4 youre on mobile you must have planned this

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requesting this boy jacking off

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mobile every time. go shill somewhere else shlomo

Was thinking of them wearing something like pic related.

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>mobile every time.
Yes i only go on Yas Forums on my phone

Global rule 2, stop posting, underage fag.