Who were your first celeb crushes, Yas Forums?

Who were your first celeb crushes, Yas Forums?

Which celebs did you grow up jerking over?

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you think she was aware how much cum would get spilled over her in that shoot?

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I jerked so much to it

Britney Spears

Not really a celeb.

But 1999 Swimsuit edition was major spank material for me.

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how could you not

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I still wanna fuck her

I donated AT LEAST 10 gallons of cum to that shoot.

dont bring back the old feelings of christina... she made me do things im not proud of

I remember when my friend brought those pics to school it was crazy

me too, turned into a nice bimbo mommy

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Always trying to see her nips in each pic too

Same lol her and Brit

Yeah she did love it!

First chick I ever wanked to.

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Where the lupe fans at ?

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he let you borrow them?

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WHAT???...NO XENA?!?!?!?!?!

still here

Yeah 2 of them

Mrs. Emma Peel has always been, and will always be, my one true love

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Who is this?

why did she destroy her awesome tits

never again

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Christina Aguilera.

Post more if you can

It’s a long story , they basically told her she was getting too much flack for looking so young. She posted on IG a while ago what happened and that she regrets it.

my favorite phase was her pinup one though
nice, I'm sure you put them to good use

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Emma Roberts on unfabulous ...

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too bad

lost a lot of paedo fans

Still jerking it to her. I'm gonna wait for her career to end, and when she starts performing in Vegas. Then I'll take a weeklong vacation from the army, but backstage passes and a concert ticket, and hope for the best. T.zoomer

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They told her to

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where are the TITA

First real celeb crush was Gwen back in the day. I’ve moved on to others but I still have a soft spot for her.

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Yeah sad part is she regrets it too. Fuckers ruined her

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that is possibly the hottest pic ever seen on this gay earth

my niggers

cragface trailor trash motherfucker

Sleen in the Disney channel days.

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