What’s everyone’s honest opinions on the porn industry?

What’s everyone’s honest opinions on the porn industry?

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Porn is pretty gay, to be honest

Hot to watch, depressing to think about because it makes you think what girls you have an interest in marriage have done to others and makes you realize women are whores.

Porn ruins the mind of the youth, as seen in this user’s comment

It the truth tho. If anything, women become more openly whorish as they get older. Knew one in her 30s (she looked 20 and long story shirt was hot) who openly talked about strippers and sex in general.

what are some good lesser know porn sites?

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Redtube, pornhub, brazzers, realityking, and xvideos

it exists



Everyone in the porn industry should be executed, same goes for all other degenerates. people should only be allowed to make things that advance the population

OP here, and that’s the answer I was waiting for

lesser known bruv

thanks man

Just stating facts. Women are whores. Had some even try to seduce me so "incel" isn't accurate.

np user

At least for fetish stuff, there's no reason to pay for anything without actual nudity, if that. Just let a few simps fuel the model so she can keep putting out new material while everyone else pirates it

the bigger players in the industry do shitty things to the pornstars. it's not unreasonable to assume that a sizable percentage of the actresses are not doing porn by choice, a la GDP scandal.
the actual homemade stuff is fine

I love it. The thought of having a real person in my life with needs and wants that cares about me and my well being is terrifying. It allows me to treat my sexuality and desire for intimacy like a mindless chore.

Did you deflect the whores’ attention with your katana?

all i care for is that it fulfills my dirtiest fetishes and i can occasionally bust a fat one when i cant be bothered picking up bitches from uni

nah just a retard


People should be free to do whatever they want, regardless of what a puritanical society with religious hang ups about sexuality think.

All the faggots ITT

Find yourself a girl you can watch porn with.
They masturbate to you know? It’s true

Glad it exists, kinda feel bad that they get shafted (pun intended) by porn being widely available for free. Out of all the things I get for free, I think porn and orgasms are the thing that has the most genuine value.

The average porn star is wealthier and happier than the average plebeian.
Probably because of all the sex...who doesn’t like sex?
And money.
Who doesn’t like money?
And they are usually very attractive.

Incels and white knights can worry about these girls - they know what they are doing , and how to exploit the incels and white knights to their advantage.


Most of the producers are legit sex traffickers and most of the large companies are owned by people with equivalent morals to Xi Jinping. But amateur porn is awful so they continue to have business

Thank You Xi

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>Literally paying Chads to fuck women you find attractive
This is gay user

>paying for porn
If you’re retarded, sure

it's pretty gross, but where there's demand there's a market

Seduce??? Who uses that word seriously? Hope this is trolling because if not, kys

K, kid. Doesnt really matter if you believe me or not.

Shouldn't even be legal.

>hurr durr but muh free speech 1st amendment!1!!

Doesn't apply. If the 1st amendment applies to porn, then the 1st amendment should apply to naked men on the public sidewalk jacking off. 1st amendment guarentees your right to speech mainly to criticize the government and to not shut down political dialogue no matter who or what political party is in power.

It doesn't mean you can pay freshly 18 year old girls to fuck strange Black men and get paid by Jewish men.

Attached: BLACKED porn started by a Jew.jpg (790x1024, 91.35K)

Another note, imagine having an autism attack over a common word. Fucking bitch made much? I notice nitpickers tend to be the most beta bitch males

Currently donating more of my time to viewership and honestly I don't like it. But I'm beholden to the molecules so I continue.

What is your grounds for making it illegal?

“I don’t like it”
Then stop watching it

Damn. You got me.

Ugly perverted old men brainwash beautiful young girls to do porn, once they are too old, they are tossed to the side and sexy 18 year olds replace them. As a civilized society, can't we find a solution to our incels and losers who can't get laid? I say, pay the right price after getting a full STD workup and get all the pussy you want...
