the 73 year old toddler

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Why not just stop lying and saying retarded shit instead? Maybe he won't get called out on it.
The whole country isn't made of maga dolts.

He finally gets it. We've been saying it all along.

Attached: Confused Trump.jpg (800x511, 71.63K)

It fuckin works, libtards mad.Stay sick losers


well he's not wrong, as it would be more effective for each state's governor to do the daily briefings that they are already doing.

Trump really won't tell us anything new overall that a state won't, unless it's some national center that has some treatment or cure possibility.

the damage is already done.
he politicised the whole thing, spread confusion by pushing half truths and bullshit, drove the dividing wedge between americans even deeper and lied on global tv about the terrific job he was doing. really really terrific.
the briefings were working until he decided to hijack them because he couldn't stand not being at the centre of it.
hopefully all of america sees him for the fraud that the rest of the world always knew he was

Republicans throw the funniest tantrumps (*wink*). Snowflake mad? Kek

>everyone who opposes Daddy Trump must be a neo-liberal
>oy vey

Too bad he is going to win again cause we picked fucking Biden.

"Democrats would rather a liberal lose than a socialist win."

why don't you go live under a president you deserve? Try venezuela prick

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we....fuck off kike

A new stimulus bill has been proposed and it's called "The Emergency Money for the People Act." H.R. 6496

If passed, the bill will pay Americans $2,000 a month for up to 6 months.

Here is a link to a petition. Please sign/share the petition. chng.it/9fnz5LgHrj

We also need to let our politicians know about this bill. Here is a link to contact your representative. usa.gov/elected-officials

In today's episode of
"things Europe thought up, but copied under a layer of beaurocracy way too late to make a difference"

Maybe if he could pay attention during the debriefing he would have something to say to reassure the public. Information that the virus breaks down quickly in warm dry air would have made him look right when he said it would die off come summer. All he had to do was pay attention and not be a retard.

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nobody is listening to this idiot anymore anyway

>bigly yuge virus,spray bleach in your mouths.it will cure it,thump a bible and your virus will be cured!

fuck trump

thanks obama


People really still believe leaders are elected instead of selected?

Imagine coping because your leader said to inject disinfectant lmfao

I'm a boarderline nazi and I oppose this guy just because he comes across as thick as shit, I give him his dues with what he's done for the US economy before corona but now he's becoming the human equivalent to a magicarp that can't evolve

That faggot works for us

They should have one of those Marines blow a fucking bugle in his ear every morning at 5 and make him get up and work

I second this pretty much word for word

he embarrassed himself in front of the whole world and he and his republican cult thinks that is a conspiracy against his as well. they all deserve each other.

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formatting test, ignore me

newfag moron

Attached: big boy.png (712x814, 907.64K)

I couldn't remember of /catalog went to the catalog or if it would search the catalog for the string "catalog" like if you typed

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ah the poor wittle babby

They should indulge him. Stop giving him the spotlight and the opportunity to pseudo campaign and control the narrative. Just let advisors take the stage and do away with the sensationalism.

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