What do you think about the Confederate States of America?

What do you think about the Confederate States of America?

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I like it because libs and niggers cry when they see it

It's not the real life, it's just someone's fantasy ...

The South will rise again

>> I like it because libs and niggers cry when they see it
I get it, you're being sarcastic.

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A country can't have a negative GDP.

I wish. I'd like to own a nigger who was too used to have freedom. It'd be funny, but eventually his slave gens would manifest and he'd accept that he is nothing but an animal for a white man.


Bunch of losers who couldn't accept that times were changing.
Can't believe anyone would still support those faggots.

They're kinda cringe, but I often wish they kept their land.

Why? Because the US could split into a good country, and a retard evangelicist country that uses gemstones to cure disease or some shit.

Instead of this bipartisan dual-wielding morality shit we got going

should've won

You will accept the "new times" soon, nigger

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Easy. Losers sympathise with losers.

It's history at this point. They lost. End of story.


imagine starting a war because you want to keep niggers.

It could easily happen again. Like if a Democrat became president

Yeah, yeah. The south will rise again. Any day now. Gonna be pretty hard to actually get up for those fatties but I'm sure it'll happen.

ThE sOuTh WiLl RiSe AgAiN

"The South will rise again"

Translation: I hate the United States and the constitution

Yes, I do

A fantasy wished by people who, rather than doing anything to improve their situation or basically live productive lives, attempt to drag others down to their level.

It is an attempt to frame constant, unending, hate and frustration as normalcy that can only be resolved by throwing those who aren't like you under the bus just so you can feel big in a world that will ALWAYS be bigger than you individually. It's about running away from your problems and hiding behind now-irrelevant ancestors.

Just listen to people like Richard Spencer in his leaked audio. Those aren't the words of someone who has their shit together.


This will be a new confederacy, that will make all men and women free from Marxism and socialism

What's wrong with the USA, my pinko friends?

What's actually going to happen:

>People show up at protest

>Wave guns and "don't tread on me flags"

>Pat each other on the back without any attempts to pass legislation, take direct action via boycott, arm twisting, or assault.

>Listen to Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh

>Rinse and repeat.

Produce actual results or it doesn't mean shit

It’s becoming Marxist.

It’s time to take it back

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I don't need a flag to tell me to destroy my cousin's anus.

"the south will rise again"

how exactly?
explain it to me.

If Trump loses in November, these United States will no longer exist.

That is written

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>It’s becoming Marxist.
How so?
>It’s time to take it back
From who?


Dude... the billionaires and CEOs and big war, big oil, big pharma, big bank people are all laughing as they have fooled you into your official position:

"Hell no i don't want anything back for my taxes and work. I want to be FREE to get nothing! Yee haw!"

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So what youre saying is if you dont get your way youll chimp out?

Stop playing coy. You know what I’m talking about

what does that mean

No, actually I dont. The US isnt marxist in any way. Its actually quite the opposite

Perfectly put.

>talking about Confederacy
>posts picture of leader of a group that hated confederates

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Socialist, with the goal of becoming communist. This is something we should have fixed after Kent State but we didn’t. We should have hunted all the fucking communists down like rats

But we didn’t. Now we have to pay for it

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