Transphobes on Yas Forums

>transphobes on Yas Forums
why do you frequent here exactly?~

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Because Yas Forums is a straight board. You've got a whole set of boards set aside for cock-obsessed fairy faggots.

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Astolfo says trans rights!

We are not on reddit user, Yas Forums is the main board for degeneracy

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no, thats /trash/

No such thing as a "transphobe", we just don't like mentally ill faggots.

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you're the Yas Forums equivalent of a kpop stan for positng videos on this for no reason

It's a video of a transfag getting stomped on, it wasn't exactly irrelevant.

Theres no difference between transracial and transgenderism yet in "woke" areas trannyism is applauded but a white person insisting they're black is not acceptable. Both acts are pretending something they're not. Both come from self ID, you just have to "feel" your desired self image.

You should either have both being acceptable or neither.

oh ok lmao i see why, the videos kinda blurry

Question dodged, why on Yas Forums?

even /lgbt/ is rampant with transphobia

transphobia isnt real dumbass

>dislike of or prejudice against transsexual or transgender people.
youre proving it does right now

>larp with me bro or you're a phobic bigot
stfu dumbass

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cringe bro

Enough with this "traps are trans" bullshit, they're just androgynous faggots that like dressing as females. Not the same as delusional faggots who think they can be women while having a penis.

>he doesnt know traps/femboys are in early stages of trans
sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but most are eggs

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wrong. im just a fag

Almost every transfaggot comes out as gay before realizing it's mot getting them the attention they crave

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nope i just becaome a depressed shut in instead

That was fast as fuck

because im sitting here playing runescape

okay, but traps are generally repressing hard. See bailey jay.

Bailey Jay counts as a tranny, took estrogen and shit. He just doesn't wanna chop his wang.

yes, they went by trap and then went trans is what I mean. All traps/femboys take HRT and they all generally become trans.

her ass is nice

positive vibes