Well he's dead,what happens now?

Well he's dead,what happens now?

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How do you know he's dead? What proof do you have?

We all poop in his sisters mouth :)
Taking turns of course.

We wait until the next piece of shit takes over, deal with his tyrannical nonsense, and go on with life. Why the fuck do you keep asking?.

holy trips raise the important question, what would happen if everyone alive on the planet pooped into just one person's mouth? how many people would it take before that person died?

Either his sister will take over Or another puppet will assume power. Probably a puppet

it depends if the sister can take breathing times or not, if not she would die choked, if she can maybe a couple of hours until is full and explode?

Tmz reported it. Go look

TMZ is in hollywood, not North Korea. China would not have sent doctors if he was actually dead. Coma is more likely.

They probably sent doctors because they think their own doctors are incompetent but after this long they probably fucked him up too bad to be fixed.

It's just a rumour at this point.


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You mean besides trump crying over lost love?

TMZ reported it? OH well then it MUST be true!

fucking kys with that tmz shit

So he's Kim Jong Un Dead?


Dennis Rodman is going to be the new leader of North Korea

Trump needs a new best friend


nobody in america will believe it because the only news source they follow is trump's twitter account.maybe he'll call him some childish nickname like rocket man again and embarass mature americans

>what happens now?

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yeah,im sure donald trump.the guy who made his own country have less freedom.is going to give north korea more freedom

he'll screw it up like bush did iraq,meanwhile in reality.kim's sister will run north korea while magatards have seizures about women leaders

NK becomes part of Chinky China

China will put someone they like into power or the N Korean military will have a general take over

is there any actual real sources that say he's dead.and by real,i dont mean trump supporters republican blogs or trump's twitter account? since thats what americans consider real news sources now(and you wonder why they are so dumb

No just trumptarded media

>trumptarded media

you mean real media? nobody cares about your maga hat bible thumper blogs.the media you call fake is what 99 percent of the educated population follows.cry more kid



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imagine being a trump supporter,calling bernie sanders a communist,and praising donald trump who's best friend is the leader of a real communist country

republicans have gone down the toilet to far since donaldo trump became president

Trump is a socialist but not for the people rather for other billionaires

>republicans have gone down the toilet
They've been down there since Reagan dude. Trickle down economics lul


donald trump is only a wealthy person to the poor ignorant hillbillys who vote for him

i know you libtards hate the rich,but people with enough wealth in america have moved out of the country because they are smarter then you and realize america will never get any better


whatever zoomer,you act like you were even alive during reagan

Are you accidently making fun of someone who's making fun of alt right news or are you saying that pro trump media is what 99% of educated Americans believe is true?


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He is still your president.

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TMZ has a good track record. They are faster and more accurate then almost all others.

>alt right


the alt right were the first ones to stop supporting donald trump,god americans are dumb



choose 1,americans are not educated.why do you think they voted for donald trump instead of a real republican

We're going to liberate best korea