Who's sexier

Who's sexier

Attached: Dfgghh524446.jpg (1920x1920, 1.48M)

>facial reconstruction asian
>downs baby
Guess the asian. At least she's not annoying.

Greta will be on Jan 4th

kims sister, looks like someone i know

amy schumer

greta has sexier feet

kek. you just don't understand the true spirit of the chan. we're nihilistic anarchists… with a twist.
we don't care if they were "innocent" (who is truly innocent, anyway?)
we just want to watch the world burn.

do you literally just keep a copy pasta of that?

the chink. the white girl will look 40 by age 25

I don't think so. When my mother was 11 she looked 19; but when she was 30, she looked 18.

Kim Yo Jong. I believe she will be a strong leader. You can see it in her eyes. She won't fuck with anyone/ I really hope America will make her angry and then North Korea with her as a leader+ China will destroy that progressive nigger shithole.

By the way, she was 11 and my father 16 when they were married. The JP (Justice of the Peace) said he could tell by looking at her that she was over 18. She was 16 when I was born. They remained married until my father passed away. She never remarried; and as far as I know neither one ever cheated on the other.

So, clean living and having the right partner play a role in how a woman ages.

Bullshit! She's just a spoiled brat like Kim Jung-Un, except she isn't a fat fuck like he is. The attitude and self-importance, and lack of leadership skills are the same for them both. That's what comes from bloodlines ruling a nation; fat, selfish, self-centered, clueless inbred brats.

Ones a burn victim the other is a block headed transvestite child looking idiot. I’d go with burn victim

Attached: 5FD12C71-A40A-4C1D-8F87-3A8D1C628DB7.jpg (1242x869, 978.71K)

What do they progress in? They're regressive communist regime proxied by china lol. Trump will become her best friend.

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>File: Dfgghh524446.jpg (1.48 MB, 1920x1920)
> Anonymous 04/25/20(Sat)18:56:21 No.826174505▶
>Who's sexier
> Anonymous 04/25/20(Sat)18:57:47 No.826174595▶
> (OP)
>>facial reconstruction asian
>>downs baby
>Guess the asian. At least she's not annoying.
> Anonymous 04/25/20(Sat)18:58:23 No.826174631▶
> (OP)
>Greta will be on Jan 4th
> Anonymous 04/25/20(Sat)19:00:09 No.826174746▶
>kims sister, looks like someone i know
> Anonymous 04/25/20(Sat)19:00:59 No.826174794▶
> (OP)
>amy schumer
> Anonymous 04/25/20(Sat)19:01:10 No.826174801▶
> (OP)
>greta has sexier feet
> Anonymous 04/25/20(Sat)19:01:27 No.826174820▶
>kek. you just don't understand the true spirit of the chan. we're nihilistic anarchists… with a twist.
>we don't care if they were "innocent" (who is truly innocent, anyway?)
>we just want to watch the world burn.
> Anonymous 04/25/20(Sat)19:03:06 No.826174918▶
>do you literally just keep a copy pasta of that?
> Anonymous 04/25/20(Sat)19:04:06 No.826174984▶
> (OP)
>the chink. the white girl will look 40 by age 25
> Anonymous 04/25/20(Sat)19:07:57 No.826175239▶
>I don't think so. When my mother was 11 she looked 19; but when she was 30, she looked 18.

Attached: you 3.jpg (500x500, 35.36K)


Who's on the left? Seen her a bunch of times today

She may be unexperienced, but her strong personality will help her with leading the country.

>Favoring or advocating progress, change, improvement, or reform, as opposed to wishing to maintain things as they are, especially in political matters
Tfw nk has been the same for 50 years
Tfw this inbred racist conservacuck can't even geopol

Attached: soyb.jpg (1681x1055, 537.26K)

If you weren't progressive, faggots wouldn't be kissing on your streets and trannies wouldn't be raping kids in opposite sex bathrooms.

Kim Yo-Jong. Kim Jung Un's lil sister, expected to be the new ruler of N. Korea when the government announce his death in the coming days.

Just because the leftists take a word and try to make it their own doesn't mean you have to give them it. Also, NK is further right and for more conservative than your dad who indoctrinated you faggot.

The Chink will open North Korea. Mark my words.

Attached: kimyojon.png (919x1280, 1.21M)

What part of "improvement" makes you think trannies raping kids is good? What the fuck is wrong with your brain dude. Stop watching breitbart and go the fuck outside.

>12.6% in deductions

I would kill for this.

Likely will. Women gravitate toward collectivism

UR mum when I fuck her

I know it's photoshop and I already fapped to her face today, but holy shit

I'd give her the D

Go to a flyover cucked state. Make sure to get the welfare special, and lick some of that bluestate tax dollars up like jizz

She looks like someone who ran a Nazi death camp... kind of gives me a boner really

but he'll die of rona if he goes outs... I get it

It's a liberal hoax user, he'll be fine.