So uh basically rent is very fucking expensive in Ireland and thinking of moving to USÆ

what state is good that isnt Florida or Cali

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Texas is badass

texas is for retards and cowboys

Missouri is the way to go. Cheapest gas, midwest
generally low cost of living, and best of all, gun paradise.


If you come to California thinking rent is gonna be any cheaper
You’re in for a huge surprise
Pack light cause you’ll be joining the 12,000 plus homeless here

kek. you just don't understand the true spirit of the chan. we're nihilistic anarchists… with a twist.
we don't care if they were "innocent" (who is truly innocent, anyway?)
we just want to watch the world burn.

That’s rich coming from the faggot lover

Most of the good places to live are fucking expensive, and the cheap places to live are shitholes with no high-paying jobs. You have to find somewhere in the middle or land a really good job in an expensive city.

My state of North Carolina is one of the fastest growing areas in the country. Despite the GOP's efforts, we have some notable universities clustered around an area called "research triangle park," which has some decent jobs. Cost of living is going up and from what I hear houses inside the city limits of places like Charlotte, Durham, and Raleigh are climbing so rapidly that small towns near-by are getting really popular for young people.

Ill Research

How true is this

Ill research
How is public transport?
Do americans need cars since you live kinda far?
Isnt that a shithole like LA

Due to Corona, you might want to keep away from people. If that's the case, move to Montana. Just make sure to bring a winter coat and sunscreen.


>high paying job
Thats not the plan im not going to Univertsy or College

I assumed Merica is cheaper since i heard it was
Ill need to find a good city

Forgot this
OP here
I can cook well
Actually do laundry n shit
Fininical Stable and i domt have impluses with money so i wont have crediy card debt

Whatever you do, avoid huge metropolitan areas and suburbs. It's like $1,400 USD a month for a studio apartment anywhere within an hour of a city. I'm 27, have been working in IT my whole life, and while I am paid well it's not enough to pay rent AND save anything worthwhile. I'd need to make $800 a week MINIMUM to live anywhere around here.

But this country is massive and littered with towns, I was considering uprooting my life from Boston suburbs to further out west.There are some decent places for less than $1,000/mo utilities included

Avoid California at all costs or you'll wind up living on the streets

Remember the South Eastern United States is a swamp, and the South West is a desert. I'd rather live in a dry desert than in a humid swamp

In anywhere but big cities (1m+ pop), public transport can't be relied upon. However, owning a car is pretty cheap here and Missouri doesn't do emissions testing so you don't have to worry about that.

>1400$ anywhere an hour near a city

Not true
Lived in Lakewood which is 15 minutes by car 30 by train to Downtown Denver
For 600$ a month utilities included

>can’t be relied on

Not true once again
Lived in Lakewood and took the W or 1 everyday at 6am to downtown Denver

Yeah i def didnt want to live in a fucking massive city

Thanks for your insight
And yeah i dont want to end homeless

Missouri was said twice so ill do some digging

Thanks :)

>Thats not the plan im not going to Univertsy or College

lol don't come to the US then.
1: we don't need any more poorfags burdening the system
2: poor people in the US are fucking miserable. If you can't find full employment, you won't have healthcare and there probably won't be a decent hospital near you if you live in rural American. If you want an education or skills training, you have to burden yourself with tens of thousands of dollars of high interest debt. Your internet will be fucking slow and you might have only one ISP with "broadband." You won't live anywhere near a "good city." If you do find a decent job, you'll be a wage slave with no vacation time or benefits enjoyed by europoors.

I have a pretty good job as an engineer at a semiconductor company and even I want to get out of this shithole.

Also the people are even dumber than you imagine.

I've been to Europe a few times. I'd much rather live in Europe.

If you plan on voting for people who promise you free stuff and bigger government then don't come to Texas. We're fucked up pretty badly because of people pouring in from failed states who do that.

Maybe in Colorado that's the case. In Missouri, there are a few buses in Springfield(100-150k pop), but nothing else.

You stupid fucking idiot.

My man got a citrus allergy

Arent poorfags POOR because they dont understand money
I understand money
I have €600 emergrncy fund saved and €1k saved
Not asking for handouts or not planning on taking your money

Ok :)

Depends on what you have to offer.

Texas is cheap. Decent financial and O&G opportunities here. They're also trying to kickstart a tech boom here in the near future.

Las Vegas can be cheap if you work in the service industry.

Chicago seems like it has good sales/marketing opportunities, but just stay away from the south.

Even NY has its underwriting/Finance charm if you stay in Queens or Brooklyn.

Stay the fuck away from Wisconsin we don’t need any eurofaggots here

yeah but are you gay? ‘cause I’d like a cute Irish bf no homo

Blue states have bigger economies and are net positive in federal taxes. Most red states have shit economies and take more money from the federal government than they contribute.

GOP is the party of poor stupid people looking for handouts. All that shit about welfare queens is a myth to make poor GOPers feel justified in benefiting from the system since there must be some black people who are abusing the system. "I really need it; they're just lazy!"

Texas is already turning purple. We're going to see it flip blue in our lifetimes.

I have no qualifations
Thanks for the info(im sure other americafags will use jt)

Lol someone told me to go here
Whats wrong
Ill be adpating to your culture :)
Not gay but can try :)

Ill research into the blue and reds
I assumed red states are better than blue no
I have no evidence on that above

only steers and queers come from Texas private cowboy, and you don't much look like a steer to me so that kinda narrows it down

>Not gay but can try :)
shit man don’t lead me on like that

>Arent poorfags POOR because they dont understand money

No. They're poor because they don't have valuable (read: SCARCE) skills and the GOP has throughly dismantled workers' rights wherever they have power. Why pay someone $15/hr to do a job when there are 5 other people that can do the same job and some are willing to do it for less? If you don't have an in-demand skill or an education, America is a shithole. Practically a third world country. We had low unemployment before COVID-19, but only because many Americans were working two or three shitty part-time jobs amounting to much greater than a full week's hours, but not getting benefits because no single job amounted to "full time," and you only get benefits from most employers if you work full time. Despite the soaring economy over the last ten years, a recent study found that most Americans couldn't afford an unexpected $400 expense.

Seriously you don't want to be in this shithole if you aren't an engineer, machinist, programmer, electrician, welder, etc. At least get a 2 year degree so that you can operate a CNC machine or something.

To go more in depth on my Missouri advice, stay away from Saint Louis and Kansas City, shouldn't need to explain how cities attract crime. If you do chose to move to Missouri, try to go for one of the towns near medium sized cities, relatively little crime and you can just hop on the interstate for a few minutes to get all the luxuries of a city. Just make sure to get a gun for anti-crackhead duty, because only bullets can deal with those if they want to mess with you. Related to that, you don't need a licence to concealed-carry here anymore, so have fun with that.

tbf, it's possible to live a mediocre life living in America working at a factory.

Some people are into that. It's taken me forever to understand that when judging people.

Saint Joseph, MO

Dude anything for you

This sounds fucking depressing
Jesus man,uh dam
Idk what the fuck to say shit

Yeah that was a plan
Im scared of guns and i know rationally i wouldnt just get shot but man
If i do get a gun ill make sure to fucking learn 1 million times so i get it right
I know a gun isnt a toy but a weapon

none, stay the fuck out you god damn potato nigger. we don't need your kind round here, fucking bar fighting drunkard, drown your sorrows and drink yourself under with some isopropyl alcohol faggot

Why do foreigners think Florida is so great, it’s our fucking trash can, and Cali is like another country full of meth Asians and billionaires, beautiful place, terrible people

Checked, OP has to move there now.

Fuck it. Come over to Texas. Yeehaw.

Where in Texas? Find any small town close enough to SPI and you'll be good

Dont drink much apart from Cider
Since im moving to YOUR country im willing to obviously adpat to your li es
I only heard shit about Flordia and Cali

Ah fuc

Do rednecks own guns and hate young people?

Even in a factory, you'd much rather be a technician than an operator, and most places (including mine) require either a 2yr degree or years of experience before allowing operators to move up to technician roles. Technicians are better paid and have more autonomy, and when a factory lays off its workforce, they lay off operators first. I was an operator at my factory before I got an enginerding position in the same factory. I'm making over twice as much money and doing less actual work.

Wages for the lowest skilled workers will always be suppressed by the fact that there are plenty of people who would rather work full time in a factory for slightly better pay and full benefits than working at Burger King or Lowes and dealing with shithead customers while making less money and not having benefits like health insurance.

Seriously: do not come to the US if you don't have a degree or certifiable training in something useful. You might manage to get a decent factory job but you may well lose it to automation, offshoring, or payroll-motivated layoffs.

you got a green card, nigger?

No one talks about how property tax in texas is as expensive, if not more expensive than in california, and that a 1 acre plot of land costs about 800 dollars PER MONTH in property tax. Imagine if you were paying a mortgage on top of that.

If you want to live cheap, GA is on the low end. I live in VA and the cost of living is just at the point where you can afford a 200,000 dollar house on a entry-mid level salary of 38-42k a year and live very comfortably.

low quality copybait


I do understand they might deny me
After i finish my Progamming Course (1yr) Community college ill start researching