Why do women let themselves go so bad?
Why do women let themselves go so bad?
Weak bait, fag. Would wife in an instant
Fuck off simp
oooh watch yourself on that edge there, fucking cringelord. Go back to your waifu pillow and cry into your doritos, incel.
kek you literally just described yourself
Yas Forums FIGHT
Fucking touchy there aren't you mate.?
She could of probably been cute if she'd clean herself up.
samefagging... pathetic...
Think again cuck boi
does it hurt being so violently retarded?
That's a fucking terrible attempt.
You boys are the ones doing screenshots on a Yas Forums...
kek. My sides...
She always looked shit, just covered it up with make up
I used to be pathetic like you guys too, but my dad took me to the doctor and they gave me testosterone injections. 100% recommend for you guys.
She's pretty cute, I'd bet she would look even better with makeup on.
kek. you just don't understand the true spirit of the chan. we're nihilistic anarchists… with a twist.
we don't care if they were "innocent" (who is truly innocent, anyway?)
we just want to watch the world burn.
testosterone injections are a euphemism for gay sex with your dad right?
Sorry OP. Looks like you're the only one that isn't a faggot here
copypasta is equally weak
>Absolutely not OP, not in any way shape or form
No, I was weak and gay like you. But the injections turned it around for me. You really should look into it as you seem to have gay sex on the mind.
Copy/Paste bait.
>"was" weak and gay
>still posting on /b
Think you need afew more shots there, fag
How come 4channers and redditors get so upset when someone criticizes a woman?
gtfo newfag
Holy shit. Do you think everyone here shares your shitty opinion? She looks like shit. She has clearly hit the wall. Go be a whiteknighting simp somewhere else
It isn't their fault. Woman hit the looks jackpot at 16 and lose their super powers after 30, some late 20s.
Easy b8
Came here to help people like you, I know what it's like to be a pathetic sub human
How many reddit subs do you moderate? Do you protect women in your reddit subs, too?
Because they are simps who think that if any woman sees them defending another woman they’ll will immediately want to fuck them. It’s honestly disgusting
more samefagging...
Please help me, I need to be rid of this sub human status, user, to hell with it, tell me how I may raise up to α like you.
Pretty sure you came scouting for fag hookups, user
Have you seen the state of most guys over 30 ?
A lot worse than the women ,
Huge weight problems , drink problems ,
it's a weird thing to be criticizing
do you want them to be natural or do you want them to fake everything?
of course people who prefer natural women will defend them on the piedestal and the ones who like the fake women will vehemently defend those
I tried, I can't help you if you don't want to change. Take care friend
Wrong again R-tard. Now go be a cuck somewhere else
Maybe its because the ones who are all "hurr durr womenz is gross" are the usually the fattest most retarded specimens you'll see even for this shithole. Retards who can only feel better about their own cholesterol and shame ridden lives by attacking the women who wouldn't been piss on them if they were on fire.
When you're moderating your reddit subs, do you watch Harry Potter or Star Wars?
Oh wait, it's Marvel movies, isn't it?
Yas Forums tards struggling with the concept of "ageing"
You sure about that kiddo
Did she get fat or something? Cause she's always been average at best face wise.
Quick, user! Paint over your (you)s!
You seem very, very angry about someone not liking a celebrity. Bizarre.
Kek. I guess you have a preference for trap threads...
because it's celebrated by other women and if you call a woman out on getting fat or looking tired you're an angry incel virgin who's projecting
What a fucken simp lol
See what I mean this guy is obviously just a soyboi simp cuck. How can you even call yourself a man after that? How low is your testosterone?
Not really. Like them or don't like them, couldn't give a shit. When these incel landwhales start trying to pretend their alphas though it's hysterical
Ok seriously though. How many women have you protected online this week?
Have your numbers increased or decreased because of the virus lockdown?
That your jerkscreen, user?
Need some dressing on that incel word salad you're tossing there?
You're a male feminist (another word for rapist) aren't you?