Who were your first celeb crushes, Yas Forums?

Who were your first celeb crushes, Yas Forums?

Which celebs did you grow up jerking over?

Pic related: Mine was Britney Spears.

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Jessica chastain. I want pics of her right, which pics of jessica can make me cum fast right now ? I want to jizz on pics of her

Alicia Silverstone and Cameron Diaz.

I am the oldfagest

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salma hayek is probably the one I've jerked too the most

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Tank Girl. I'm a sucker for crazy chicks till this day

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Britney and Lindsay Lohan were responsible for milking a ton of young cum out of me as a kid.

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Winona Ryder

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how about christina?

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Hear hear

Torrie Wilson

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That shoot was legendary.

Charlene Tilton. Yes, I'm an oldfag.

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So classy

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kek. you just don't understand the true spirit of the chan. we're nihilistic anarchists… with a twist.
we don't care if they were "innocent" (who is truly innocent, anyway?)
we just want to watch the world burn.

Damn i feel so old user, haha.

Elisa Cuthbert Popular mechanics for kids.

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Same here bro. I was 14 when she made it big. I used to beat my dick raw over her. I got her CD for the booklet and pics to jack off to.

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So many shared life events.

I always found her to conventionally hot. I was always more the girl next door kinda guy.

so many based oldfags here, i like it

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thousands of men were made the day they came across this shoot

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I always preferred Lita

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