What you think about? Is he dead?

What you think about? Is he dead?

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Poor are the medic staff who worked on him.

If he is they'll have to dig him up so Trump can suck his dick one last time


What if the heart surgeon was secretly a redpilled North-Korean citizen who saw through the lies of the Kim dynasty and intentionally made sure that he would get killed?

After they push your head out of the way.


hey anyone else remember the thread saying this like yesterday?

I mean, surely he would fly to china to an actual hospital, with an actual doctor to get treated right?

I’m sorry I didn’t know it

What a moron. You are "Supreme leader" and you die cus your a fat slob lol. If that was me. I would look like a Greek God. With nutritionist and steroids to actually look like a SUPREME leader...

Of course not.

China would have flown the Dr. to him, his palace probably has a hospital's worth of high end equipment already.


Yeah he could eat healthy, exercise, and pull bitches...except he can already eat whatever he wants, do fuck all, and still get any bitch in the country he wants.

Why make the effort if you are already considered the best male specimen in your country and get all the pussy?

Your heart giving out before age 40 is a pretty big reason I'd say.

Next time don't have heart surgery in a country like N. Korea. Especially when you're the guy everybody is terrified of.


And to not look like a slob and actually be intimidating to other countries

He called in Dr. from China. The best you can do when you've pissed off literally every other country on Earth to the point that they actively want you dead.

fake news is fake news

Get off my Yas Forums. Back to Yas Forums.

So you can keep on scrolling on trap o dickrate threads?

Hell yeah he's dead
And I want to fuck his sister. Rather I want her to kidnap me and chain me to the fucking bed. Godamn I want that shy repressed girl turned evil dictator to make me her pet. I would wake up every morning and prep her to go out and conquer the world. If I could I would carry her child. I want to be hers and all hers.

What she look like?

dude is only 36, he must be from weak stock

It's bullshit. He might be dead, but why is it "Botched heart surgery"?

According to some sources inside the country (and this is from years ago), Un liked to eat a "Western Style" diet and was a heavy smoker. No indication as to how many he puffed a day but lets say 25-30. Add in that he sat on his ass or was driven everywhere and yeah, he was fucked.

Probably so they can blame the doctors and medical staff. They probably opened him up, saw that he either had cancer everywhere or clogged arteries from his shitty diet, did what they could anyway but it was a lost cause from the beginning.

Awww lil' Trumptard snowflake didn't like that post. Hims got his fee fees hurt :*(



Calling it now, the Supreme Leader is Dead.
Long Live the Supreme Leader

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Bro, I dont like that Burnt Orange either, he's a fucking moron like all politicians, but that was really cringe

finally that fucker is dead

Oh he dead.
He rike a stone.
He sister had him kirred before he kirr her.
Sister now numba one.
You go now.

That was incredibly gay what you just said lol.

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I don't know and I don't care.

Nothing is sexier than an evil asian woman.

But where has the rumour come from?

What if she was a trap?

spam my mail adress : [email protected]

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I expect this one is a trap in the faggot sense and in the spy sense.

Highly doubt he's dead that is most likely for Mass consumption

Oh yes, this one. A good trad asian girl fucking a white cock in college. Most trad asian woman thing ever.

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Naw he's just fucked up. If he was dead China wouldnt have sent doctors.

Holy shit user

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Alright lads, that means his cutiepie wife is available.
Not sure I could live up to dear leader's legendary genitals, though.

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kek. you just don't understand the true spirit of the chan. we're nihilistic anarchists… with a twist.
we don't care if they were "innocent" (who is truly innocent, anyway?)
we just want to watch the world burn.