/waifu/ thread
>say hello
>receive free kitten
>cons: kitten is a weeb
/waifu/ thread
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I no want kittens...
Why did you let thread die
HIrasawa Yui
do you want a Purples
i didn't notice it was dying, sorry
hi Duke :)
i think i had something to tell you but i forgot
You get all the kittens, and a free baby cheetah.
Good job
Hello Chi-chan
If you can't remember why bring it up?
bring me dick
sorry :(
hey Duke
to let you know that there might have been something important and more worthwhile said in place of that
that's an ugly dick, gimme a cute one
As much as I like the idea of one, I no want purple kitten...
Nu pls... A baby cheeta sounds cool though...
Just add make-up and a wig and it's done, fag.
Take back the cheetah and give you all the kittens times two.
Don't let it happen again
Hi Chi-chan
But we still can't discuss it because you don't know what it is. It must not have been important or worthwhile
I already am wearing makeup and a wig.
what about purple Momiji?
sumimasen sensei
hello Duke
we can discuss the inability to discuss it, like we are now. perhaps not, you're right.
Pics or didn't happen, tits or gtfo and all that shit.
Were you going to tell me you bought my Yui daki?
Nu... I want cheeta now... But make it purple too... You can keep the kittens to make up for the purple request...
Momiji is the best... And and and... and... Purple is a nice color...
nice colorize
no, sorry.
i think the furthest i could say is that reminds me of your waifu a bit
Momiji is the best and purple is a nice color, yes.
take it or leave it, a truck of kittens.
I know, I did it myself.
Momiji is the best! Momiji is the best!
Momiji is the best! Momiji is the best!
Hahahaha! Purpleeeee!
Leave it... Too many kittens...
No question of the thread?
Why not
Chi-chan it kind of does
you can't leave it, the truck is on it's way.
how many more must be colorized?
Momiji is the best!!! yes!! and the cutest!!
here's a question just for you
why is she licking an apple with metal bits in it?
i don't know how to give it to you
Duke i'm surprised you agree
Just hold on to it and I'll figure it out
But it does Chi-chan so why would I disagree
None for the moment. It's not giving a fuck a clock. Maybe beer later on.
Well then I'll run away... It won't find me...
Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring... Banana phone!
i'll get it some day, for you. just not right now. i don't want Chinese mail
i thought you'd say something like her hair doesn't look anything like it or she's not wearing whatever your waifu usually wears
ding dong ding dong ding, banana phone!
They'll just park the truck in front of your house and the kittens will stay in there judging your waifu and your poor decisions.
Order it from a US company :o
She isn't wearing what my waifu would wear, but the hair is pretty close. Not the right colour though
what's being with Duke like?
i don't know any (good) US daki manufacturers o:
yeah Yui's hair is brown.
Idunno what else to say...
Or maybe I'll just lock myself inside my room and ignore everything like I usually do...
Research it!
Silver hair is superior
!KuroNeko3g isn't with me
Plot Twist: That apple actually has about six pounds of C4 in it. She's a bounty hunter.
do you have cup purple image?
once the rona's over...
it's rather cute, i like it!
i forgot what question i originally asked to begin with, bear with me
that's a heavy apple. i didn't know they stacked C4 that dense!
The power of thought will get you eventually. A whole truck of kittens judging is a mass destruction weapon.
Do it now before you shower
What is
>Anonymous 04/25/20(Sat)18:25:20 No.82616894981048339_p0.jpg (756 KB, 2000x1600)File: 81048339_p0.jpg (756 KB, 2000x1600) pixiv google yandex iqdb wait
>what's being with Duke like?
I know what you mean... they pee everywhere >.