What a dumb cunt

What a dumb cunt.

Elyse Willems needs cock and cum all over her big dick sucking lips.

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Mmmm fuck I love this sexy cunt elyse too user!

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omggg!!! is this your cocktrib? so hot

Not mine, wish it was haha! Found in another Elyse thread! You love the dumb whore too?

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I love her and her big fat cock sucking lips. I milk my balls to her all the time

Would he hot it she somehow saw how she drains our balls

Look at those lips..good lord

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Mmmm fuck imagine if she knew how much guys drain their balls to her! I love the idea of Elyse being bullied and abused for being such a whore

All her holes being filled with cock

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>Not a video with dirty talk and louding moaning at point of ejaculation.

What a failure of a post.

I was thinking of setting up an Elyse worship Twitter account and tagging her in the tributes and stuff..but maybe way too far. Thought of it turns me on a lot though

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Bro that sounds fucking ace, you would have to be careful and use a VPN or a burner etc? Do you have wickr or discord would love to chat about Elyse with you man she is such a sexy tease with those lips!!

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For real...the odds of actually getting a reaction or a legit body pic eak are much higher for Alanah, or Barb if you just have to keep the skinny canadian vibe

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LMAO he wouldn't need a VPN..wtf..it's just dickpics and shit

Been waiting for a thread like this


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Lol better safe than sorry

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Sign me up

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Cum dumpster cunt with lips made for sucking cock

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I love you Elyse you’re perfect and drain me every night

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making wickr now, never heard of it before

Bizarrely, because I find her funny, I don’t also find her attractive

Mmmm fuck dumb cunt needs a good beating and a facial, Leah her crying with cum dripping off of her chin

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i used to feel the same but try jerking off to her, it feels amazing.

It’s awesome add


When you are ready man

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I think we have wires crossed. I meant from the tributer not Elyse.

I don't know about tagging her, but a twitter account for Elyse tributes sounds nice.

anyone have a good mega of pics/vids of her?

she needs bbc in both her holes

OH GOD YES, can you imagine Elyse sucking black cock? Wowwww

She exists purely to drain your balls guys..so enjoy her ;) who's stroking?

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Her neck.
Is she 80?