Roll bread
Roll bread
Will P.C. text me in the next 72 hours?
Asking again
Does she miss me?
Asking again
Good. I miss her to. Hopefully we can make it work this time.
Will i get her back
Can I became a demon
do all of them care about me or is it just a lie and i should've killed myself a month ago?
will a close friend give me a blowjob
does he really want to get married or is he lying?
Will I die a virgin
will i get to live with him?
Can my pp grow?
Will I get a gf soon?
Should I get more drunk?
Will i die of covid19?
does she like me?
so I will end up as a virgin demon with a smoll pp, still better than my current situation
Stupid ball.. fuck you, you don't know shit
Will I go pee in the next few minutes?
Return of the ex
Can I use my demon powers to get this user a gf?
Is peeing into a girl a valid contraceptive?
Should I trust everything this 8-ball says?
Will I have Meta Power Manipulation (according to the Power listing Wiki) by the end of next week?
Will I be given one million US dollars by each of the one million currently wealthiest Americans by the end of next week?
Will I win both lotteries' jackpots by May 8th?
Should dubs be interpreted differently?
Will she want me to visit her?
Do they guarantee the answer/result the questioner desire?
Will my son come over today?
Damn, will she want to visit me?
Are the repeating digits supposed to be multiplied for the true answer?
will he fuck me?