Why is women's sexuality valued so much more than men's? If you're a girl you can literally masterbate and get paid for it, why the fuck is that? Can you imagine how many dudes would love to be able to monetize their sexuality like that...
I think the reason that there are far fewer creative women and competitive women is because they really are still appreciated regardless but a man is only worth something if he can prove it
There are good women, there are very smart women, and there are creative women....but I think there are less of them because most of the time they don't actually have to be any of those things
The question was retarded, the answer was... surprisingly correct.
Samuel Jenkins
Women can only reproduce once every 9-12 months. Man can do it multiple times a day. Humans evolved in a shitty way (necessary for our species survival but regardless) that gave us the mentality of men being disposable while women were to be protected. That shit kept on going and now a bunch of retards and simps love to venerate women. That's about it.
Jace Davis
dubs of truth
Hudson Fisher
For every woman, there's ten men waiting to fuck her. Women will go through life capitalizing on this.
Anthony Gonzalez
You are essentially correct.
Women are valued as-is, solely for the fact that they have pussies, and male sex drive is so much higher.
Men are only valued based on what they can produce, or what they can do.
This has the side effect of making most women shallow, vapid, uninteresting and unskilled - because they don't NEED to be in order to be valued.
Brandon Torres
woman are dishwashers
Parker Sullivan
kek. you just don't understand the true spirit of the chan. we're nihilistic anarchists… with a twist. we don't care if they were "innocent" (who is truly innocent, anyway?) we just want to watch the world burn.
Leo Peterson
Short answer? Men are completely irrelevant, woman can make kids themselves at the cost of gene diversity and a half rate of mutation/filtering out genes. Long answer involve lots of ancient religion, then suppression of female sexuality, then suppression of "femininity" in every other aspect, then wars and i'm sure you don't want a three page explanation on how/why. Take a guess motherfucker.
Henry Brooks
I mean I kinda want a long answer, this stuff fascinates me
Josiah Cook
Its evolutionary, sex for a man is a 30 second business, for a woman it's nine months or even longer if she decides to raise the baby. Men used to run around fucking everything thing they could (some still do) but women had to be selective in which males they would let impregnate them, that's why women go for strong attractive men and men will fuck pretty much anything.
Caleb Young
That's true...but I really think we as a species should try and even the playing field a bit
Dylan Russell
People didn't know that men were necessary for children till a few thousand years ago. No joke, women were encouraged to walk in the moonlight because moonlight gives you babies. I'm sure you can imagine what happened on those long moonlight walks. Took awhile to put two and two together. Hell, at one point men had no lineages. Then suddenly we did and women didn't.
Carson Mitchell
>If you're a girl you can literally masterbate and get paid for it, why the fuck is that? Men pay for it. It's called capitalism.
>Can you imagine how many dudes would love to be able to monetize their sexuality like that... Men pay for that too. It's called gay.
Nolan Phillips
Cause men are desperate for pussy.
Ryan Lewis
women are desperate for dick
Thomas Evans
I don't understand how this is not obvious as fuck. Although, women of any kinds can make money of their body (even fat and ugly ones if they are depraved enough).
Men have to be well above average in looks/dick size.
Juan Wood
I wish
Carter Jackson
Ok so women were the only ones who can create life, men weren't even considered fathers in pre-recorded history. Being around a man before the goddess blessed you with children might give you some of the mans "spirit" so that the kid will look like him a little but it wasn't known. Therefore, there was a lot of resentment on the man part(not all men obviously) So there would be lots of rituals when women first bled across many different cultures where the women got full power over the choice of men and it was considered a sacred thing. The men would have to buy their way into the female family because men weren't part of families until we discovered the correlation between sex and conception. That's why men have more wanderlust too. Men were literally spares until we usurped earth mother(or whatever version of the first goddess you want to shill) as a man and we overcompensated the fuck out of it and reduced femininity. But alot of that religious worship is instinctual because we did it for so long and alot of the traditions still remain. But at the time, the jealousy of seeing women with other men was just incentive to compete. So when men became fathers we got overexcited and saw our way into power, we were already stronger and we already paid for women basically so it became the whole possession thing. The jealousy remained though and what happened next is why things kind of stand as they are. We would want our women to be ours in all aspects and alot of cultures already had weird rules that get warped. So the standard they were held was always divine but under our thumb it becomes divine in OUR name before theirs, seeing as they have no lineage anymore. We start covering them up to stop other people coveting them and to keep women from realizing they are coveted so. Think scythians and their carriages or the burkha. This just makes it worse though because it is repression, so the value suddenly rockets in a different direction.
Nolan Robinson
I abandon the authority of age for the integrity of sex, said every female human in existence at once.
Is it gay if I'm just masturbating normally for money?
William Gray
Because cucks like you think women are worth more than they really are. How many women would still be paid to masturbate if the men who watched just stopped, or even just became more selective?
Hudson James
cus men got the money and men make da rules bb lollllll
Ryan Evans
I'm a guy and I masturbate/sell nudes for money. I don't do it often but last time I made 70$ in like 20 minutes on Chaturbate. Maybe you're just ugly.
If your group is arguing for their divine reward first, to the detriment and exclusion of others in any or all queues, then that group is slated for my immediate process.
i used to post nudes on my reddit for fun and since i was just a few months into being 18 and have braces, my dms were FILLED w men just throwing me money to see more. i agree with ur statement but i also think it's important to acknowledge that women wouldn't sell ourselves if no one were there to buy it up.
Chase Flores
well they arent retards and sims if they are just doing what nature intended. Are you a retard for eating food and sleeping?
Xavier Robinson
Yeah but women don't have To be gay they can be totally straight or gay and it still works just the same
A straight guy can't do the same thing to appeal to straight girls
Kayden Sanders
Yeah chicks don't have to worry too much about having a personality or goals and achievements. If she's hot, then she's favoured by the general public. It's like they're born on recruit difficulty fighting against bots
Cooper Gutierrez
I agree...I just wish dudes had the same option...it must feel nice to be so desired so easily
Connor Williams
>For every woman, there's ten men waiting to fuck her Sometimes literally in a line
James Perez
We are all animals. Look at those wildlife shows where other species of males beat the shit out of or even kill one another to get prime pussy. Biological imperative. Prime females highly sought after and have to be more selective as they can only reproduce for a limited time. Males are capable of breeding non stop, at least so long as it takes to build up another load.
Parker Cooper
Kinda makes sense why the suicide rate for men is higher than that of women
Jason Thomas
how can you be this fucking wrong about everything? are you a woman?