Why would you ever truly befriend a girl? If you do it because she's hot then you're just simping and cucking yourself while she fucks other guys. If you befriend her even if she's ugly but has a "great personality" then you're probably gay and love talking about girl stuff. Everytime i hear a faggot say "my (best) friend " i cringe and lose all respect for that cuck.
Why would you ever truly befriend a girl...
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hahahahahahahahahahaha god i love opinions of children, they say the wildest shit
B-but I don't have male friends either
Yeah I hear you. But at the same time it is possible to have a platonic relationship with a girl and has been done. Seems too easy for someone to get hurt eventually
>t. simp
go donate to your favorite titty streamer
unless you fuck her once or get some kinda action you know deep down that your lesser a cuck and a simp. and its just frustration to be freinds with a girl while she fucks other dudes. i cut them off unless we fucked
In my teens and early 20s I didn't have many female friends. There was just always way too much fucking drama with them all. Would only date then. Now in my 30s I have some female friends or mutual husband / wife friends who hang out with my wife and I. I was always a very old soul who didn't get mainstream social / fads or styles (I'm mildly autistic I guess) so my mid to late 30s have been great since most of my peers are finally developing personalities.
Its easy to be friends with women if you're not an incel. If you are, then yes, it can be painful.
You banned from Yas Forums or something?
>Why would you ever truly befriend a girl?
Why fuck not, girls are fun.
Most of my friends are women. I've had casual sex with three of them for a few years now. We don't make a big deal out of it. It's just pleasure. They're not models, but they're not hideous either, and we get along great. OP just puts women on a pedestal and is terrified of them.
there we go - weve got a new word. No1 knows what it means, but the cool kids say it, so now u have to use it as well, or esle ull look like a simp cuck troll sjw. Now everything is "simp", just like criticizing jews was racism
u fucking nigger
It can be great fun to be friends with a girl to be honest. They often have a very different perspective on the world than guy friends have.
It's just a different dynamic which can work out well. Don't limit yourself.
I know that chick! Thats that assburger girl on that disabled youtube channel special books by special kids. Ngl she is a debby downer, but would bang 100%. Shes just the right amount of mentally fucked up lol
Some are genuine nice, also its good to get a different perspective on things
>even if it is wierd emotional stuff
That bitch has a decent aesthetic, really praying she at least had the decency to get some good cornfield pics
Based and redpilled. We need to go back to treating them like property and trading them like cows. Would do tremendous benefits and improve society beyond wildest imagination.
If you're representative of dudes I could spend time with instead, that's the whole point. I prefer attractive low energy company over horny rowdy bros
Fuck of with your gay agenda, faggot.
I grew up with nothing but female friends because straight but effeminate. You can absolutely maintain female friends because some womyn are peoples too. Protip they'll also teach you how to fuck good and then you'll realize every guy who didn't grow up with females is a fucking idiot.
Add: you'll eventually fuck most of your female friends, kinda just because.
t. Fucked the majority of my female friends, kinda just because.
Is it that girl with autism that appeared on that channel with special children?
Not all of us fall in love with every girl that is nice to us. You're probably a thirsty virgin. The only guys I hear talk about "cucks" and "simps" are men who struggle to get dates or get laid and thus view every attractive woman as a potential partner.
True. Guys with female friends are either gay or simps or cucks.
Confirmed fag. Having only guy friends is a sure sign of being gay. Gays with female "friends" only want them to attract other guys.
Jesus my gf has this mentality. If you can't have platonic friends with the opposite sex then you have issues
you'll have plenty of female friends when you're older user, they're just human beings no need to be scared of them