Transwomen are real women. To deny them that, would be to deny them their human rights

Transwomen are real women. To deny them that, would be to deny them their human rights.

Genitals or chromosomes do not prove if you're a man or woman. Its time to move on from that simplistic high school teaching.

Just grow up and learn to accept us for who we are~

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You have to be trolling faggot. Gender is a biological thing that can’t be changed at will because some sissy wants to. You are and will always be what you are born as. Plain and simple.

The only people you're gonna get with this bait are guys who REALLY wanna fuck a trap

Like this guy definitely wants to fuck a trap


Woman are women. Trans women are Trans women. Learn about socialization and fuck off.

ok listen: Mentally, ok, MAYBE you can feel like the opposite sex, but biologically, you don't have the organs. Noone would fuck a trap because she doesnt have a vagina.

So yoes, women can be mentally instable and feel like men and vice versa, but don't getoffended when people pretend you are who you want to think you are

Transgenderism is a mental disorder and should be classified as such. Gender dysphoria (which is needed to be trans) is already classified as one, but unlike other disorders its """treatment""" is to enable those thoughts.
>But WHO said...
They only dropped it from their lists to avoid offending people
>But some animals can change gender in nature!
Only for biological reasons for mating and survival, in humans its all psychological. People aren't supposed to mutilate their genitals

>Genitals or chromosomes do not prove if you're a man or woman.

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Troons are the most obnoxious minority and i would be happy when you all just shut the fuck up.
But whatever happens, nothing will chang the fact, that no one will date you freaks.

More jewish bullshit


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Yeah enough with that stupid jew bullshit!

Deal with the gender you were born with weak ass faggot.

What rights exactly are you asking for?
The right to hang out in women's restrooms?
The right to free elective surgery to cut your dick off or sew it on as you please?
The right to get a 4 YO to take hormone blocking drugs?
The right to read to kids in drag?
What rights?

This shit again?!...

Jesus just go to reddit... or kys

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This guy gets it

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Why should we recognize them? They'll end up killing theirselves anyway.

Please kill yourself

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dysphoria is a big part of being trans, this doesnt apply to the majority of people with dysphoria and their NEED to change their appearance to how they desire

Fucking mental illness is real

I'm all for transwomen to physically bully inferior "real" women and destroy women sports once for all.

>accept us for who we are

No pussy, no dicky. It's that easy.

stop making this fucking thread, this is Yas Forums not twitter.

and there's nothing you can do to make me

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>Kill yourself, you fucking degenerate

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Trannies aren't people.

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