mighty Doctors of chan please shine your lights on my condition. It started with 3 red dots exactly 1 month ago. And it started spreading. Doctors won't accept to see me cause of the virus, nhs said they cant sent someone over but told me to take antihistamines which i have been for the past week, but still hasnt stopped spreading. It started spreading on my arms now. Its very inch.
Mighty Doctors of chan please shine your lights on my condition. It started with 3 red dots exactly 1 month ago...
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Probably serious
Wtf, is that a AIDs rash or something
Rash from shaving or allergic reaction to something? Did you start using a new detergent in your washing or fabric softener?
Fuck off back to your own country and leave the NHS to those who pay for it.
Show us your stupid tattoo of carrots or something
ever had Chicken Pox? You do now! Your tatoo guy gave it to you.
NHS: what country? got a way to video consult with the local witch doctor? maybe get on the log drum signals?
Im from UK.
They are not available for video consultation
Actually I have purchased a new washing detergant and softener.
this happens when you fuck with dirty hookers. now you have some std. forever.
post uncensored you fucking pussy, I cant cum to this.
Socialized medicine is the best.
Never have to wait. Always the best care.
Havent had sexual intercourse with anyone in the past few months so it's not an sti
Are you doing any drugs?
allergic reaction
get a hypoallergenic detergent or go back to what you were using before
thats not chicken pox
This, I have had hives like that from using biological washing powder some people react to the enzymes.
Change all your soap to hypoallergenic as well and did you start eating anything new roughly when this started? If you did cut that out.
Also you Dont use opiates do you? If you do thats probably the cause and you need to detox
Im not doing any drugs, haven't added anything new to my eating habits. Will cut out a soaps from today
chicken pox
afaik there is little else that will make you itch that bad and it's to help spread it across your skin quickly
prepare to be covered in scabs if you scratch them off
try to leave it alone
if you have oatmeal take an oatmeal bath a few times, get some sleep
it sucks but it goes away in a few days
I had it when I was a child, shitsux
those blotches are far to big and flat to be chickenpox.
most likely contact dermatitis from interaction with something hes allergic to.
tiny penis. we can see the shadow of the tip on your upper left thigh. nice try hiding it though, but no one thinks that pasted image is justified to hide your tiny baby dick. faggot.
That ringworm, nigga. Drink dettol twice daily, should clear up in a week
nobody else was trying to figure out how big his dick was except you faggot
no one else had the balls to admit it, but you looked. double-faggot.
bro you might have syphilis
You have Necrotising fasciitis look it up it's pretty gnarly ha but seriously you're going to die
D reveal? For answer.
bro you lost the right to call anybody a faggot when you just couldn't help yourself but to figure out how big OP's cock is
You're like the ouroboros of faggotry
We can't make a true assessment without seeing the condition of your benis.
change your clothes daily and bedsheets regularly and if you do some physical activity that causes you to sweat, like vigorous masturbation, wash that shit off don't leave it to draw onto your skin. You have a rash from being a filthy gremlin
>t. Mom
This, OR pitiriasis
First case you can find medicine, second case it'll disappear by itself in couple of months
keep deflecting megafaggot9000, since you're the one who keeps asking to see the tiny thing.
shut up retard. i've seen you post the same link multiple times.