What is the worst thing you've ever fapped to?

What is the worst thing you've ever fapped to?

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Snuff porn stories I wrote myself.


This ;)


Bad stuff mane

Might as well post one

All I'm gonna say is it featured a "small mammal" and not the beastiality kind.

you WHAT?!

Memories of me & my twin sister from when we first started going through puberty

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my gf is an escort and was getting paid to fuck someone and I couldn't stop thinking about it so I asked for a pic of her outfit and 40 minutes later she texted me a selfie with her hair fucked up and half her lingerie off

My cousin


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Pics or it didn't happen

what's your kik

probably this

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dead teen


femdom sissy porn

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Heard a decent song in a porn video and decided to look it up
Turns out i was beating it to a song about 2 girls dying in a car crash

A'ight. Here's a link to probably my favorite one I've written on Gurochan:



Attached: mentos.webm (480x848, 1.21M)

My cousin and sister

I mean, if you have a cousin-sister, it sounds like it's pretty normal in your family to find her attractive. So ask her out and see if she wants to make some daughter-and-nieces or son-and-nephews.

a vid of myself getting my asshole fucked

My cousin

Not as edgy as some shit here, but I have a thing for criminal women. Especially murder or attempted murder.

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Damn man, great read. Love your writing style

lol there goes this thread

Memories of the movie I just watched at uncle's house of 'Hand That Rocks the Cradle' when the women is getting felt up during a gynecological exam and her nanny starts trying to breast feed her baby while I masturbate in the back of a minivan with my whole family inside, coming home from thanksgiving.

Beat that.

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And somehow nobody has photoshopped this

Abortion hentai

Ahsoka Tano 3D porn
Sissy/Shemale porn
other anons wwyd'ing and cum tributing my wife
creepshots and upskirts of coworkers

More like what have I NOT fapped to.