The United states of America is completely bankrupt. During the Obama years he set the US on track to continue being the worlds number one super power. Donald Trump destroyed that Donald J. Trump destroyed America. You are on house arrest and locked in your homes under threat of violence your great country is no more. Your freedom your liberty were sold to the highest bidder.
The United states of America is completely bankrupt...
shills are really out this month. go away chinA
Stay in school faggot.
says the guy who elected someone who bankrupted a CASINO.
well he did promise he would run the government just like he ran his businesses.
you can’t say he didn’t deliver on that.
What's funny is that Trump is a Zionist supporter......
Actually Obama killed America before trump step into office. Try again OP
imagine being this retarded.
At least we don't eat infected bats. And spread filth and garbage.
wow you're actually retarded
yes comrade he did
Thats a nice argument you posted there
Is that what you think? Hoo-hoo, have you ever been hoodwinked, Sparky!
10 trillion deficit in 8 years
kill yourself
Found the kike
Why are you lying? Must be a republicunt.
The country will be fine, but unexpected shit happens get over it. Trump was doing great with economy so i dont know where the information is coming from, probably leftist news
Found the commie
Americans in general is what is destroying America.
I agree no pride, shitty attitudes and no fucking faith, america needs to worry about america at the moment
trump was doing great with NOTHING. He has ruined what was once a great nation.
You must be watching fake fox news, don't you realize that just like trump, THEY LIE.
King nigger set race relations back 40 years in his second term, seemingly for no reason, nearly bankrupted the DNC, leaving it in shambles for the next candidate, and set the standard that companies could be too large to let fail, ultimately shifting competitive business practice away from any kind of future emergency contingency planning.
i've been here since 1812 and this is the first time someone agreed with me.
Lies, all republicunt lies. trump has done more damage to America then any president is US history.
? I'm a pro communist Bernie supporter. Or was.
King nigger killed the democratic party, but keep licking those neo liberal boots you delusion cuckold.
nice feet
>this faggot thinks China can influence the USA.
fuck off with your beta bullshit
Again I really got a wonder why somebody would be so obsessed to keep posting this image. Do you print this off your mom's laser printer and then angrily impotently try to shove your greasy baby dick through each one of the pictures?