Seriously FUCK nurses, in every sense of the world. Pretentious, impatient, hideous goblinas 90% of the time. They're even mean to little fucking children with ear infections and other painful shit. They claim men whine and scream in pain more than women, but that's funny since every time me or a family member has had an ER visit, the only people I hear screaming or crying are women.
They treat you like human garbage if you need morphine for any reason, even though a good amount of them are fucking addicts and smokers themselves.
They act like literal superheroes that deserve Medals of Freedom because they can change bedpans and give injections.
When I needed stitches, a nurse didn't even touch me, a fucking paramedic did all the work.
When I needed medicine prescribed, the Dr obviously did it.
When I needed an infection tested, laboratory staff did it.
When I needed a wound examined, a Dr did it.
When I needed xrays done, a radiologist did it.
When I needed an appointment made, a receptionist did it.
When I needed my bloody puke cleaned off a floor, the janitor did it.
What did a nurse ever do for me? Bitch at me for requesting something to help with the pain of breaking all 5 toes on my left foot and several lacerations on my left shin, and then give me Tylenol.
Fuck nurses.