Seriously FUCK nurses, in every sense of the world. Pretentious, impatient, hideous goblinas 90% of the time...

Seriously FUCK nurses, in every sense of the world. Pretentious, impatient, hideous goblinas 90% of the time. They're even mean to little fucking children with ear infections and other painful shit. They claim men whine and scream in pain more than women, but that's funny since every time me or a family member has had an ER visit, the only people I hear screaming or crying are women.

They treat you like human garbage if you need morphine for any reason, even though a good amount of them are fucking addicts and smokers themselves.

They act like literal superheroes that deserve Medals of Freedom because they can change bedpans and give injections.

When I needed stitches, a nurse didn't even touch me, a fucking paramedic did all the work.

When I needed medicine prescribed, the Dr obviously did it.

When I needed an infection tested, laboratory staff did it.

When I needed a wound examined, a Dr did it.

When I needed xrays done, a radiologist did it.

When I needed an appointment made, a receptionist did it.

When I needed my bloody puke cleaned off a floor, the janitor did it.

What did a nurse ever do for me? Bitch at me for requesting something to help with the pain of breaking all 5 toes on my left foot and several lacerations on my left shin, and then give me Tylenol.

Fuck nurses.

Attached: nurses.jpg (960x853, 86.46K)

I'm thinking based

As a med student, I’m gonna go ahead and make a diagnosis.... you’re retarded. Sorry user. You can’t be saved.

dumb fuck

Sorry Laqueenfa didn't want you cause she don't need a man. She has her son and nursing job.

Is your skinny white republican ass really going after nurses?

Nurse knocked you back, huh?

triggered lol

Oh, look, the same damned edgelord post.


Delusional, junkie, cunt got called out on his strung-out pussy ass. Man-the-fuck-up retard.


dumb fuck kys

shut the fuck up

The triggered nig junkie has entered the trap house. Nice try, cunt.


STFU whiteboi

It's always the yuuuugest pussies that get triggered like this. Go be a nurse in an ICU/covid unit for a day instead of collecting aluminum cans, cunt. I heard nsaids can help with that hangnail and sprained pinkie toe. kek. PUSSY

a med student making a psychological diagnosis.
No you're retarded.


Attached: nurses2.png (828x514, 332.26K)

Attached: 1587813949300.jpg (640x781, 77.44K)

I'm pretty fucking sure nailed it.
Nurses are just pieces of shit.

so which nursing school did you flunk out of?
you make this thread every hour.

med students study human psychology too... how retarded do you have to be to not know that?

Hey look guys, that's the same meme that was posted last night too! Is this sad motherfucker using different iphones/laptops?

Whoever you are, you fucking triggered so many medfags.
You're my hero.

hello OP

OP's medical Chart:

Strung out, homeless, toothless meth-head cuck, etoh, sizzurp, dxm, etc. Removal of rodents and giant dildos, successful. Continues to request morphine and dilaudid for a papercut his male lover, Tyrone gave him while attempting to insert the first gerbil. Released back to community for continued male prostitution. Tyrone, not happy.

I was the guy who made the comment about the psych wards last night.

Still remains true: a SHIT ton of the people who end up there have an inflated sense of self-importance and believe they are medical experts "cause feelings" instead of proper training.

Try explaining to them "I know you feel anxious but if I give you more of this you will overdose" and they're like FUCK YOU THIS IS AMERICA! FREEDOM!!!!!

And you would think "Well duh, it's a psych ward" but some people are in there for being borderline, past behavior, suicide attempts, dementia, being bipolar etc. None of which necessarily lead to narcissism

Thanks for the (you). I'm not OP lol. Get triggered.

Why is this thread spammed so much?
What's the angle?

HA! On another note, I can tell you're the real thing. Sometimes I wonder why we even need to explain ourselves to narcissists

Amen, brother. Amen.
They have NO fucking idea.

dumb fuck

proof? OP spotted

dumb fuck