Why is the media trying to destroy white European history?

why is the media trying to destroy white European history?

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because bbc's are white boi favorites

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the media? you mean kikes....dosent required answer

Same thing

Roman soldier might be possible depebding on what year that cartoon was set in.

Its easy for instance did you know Hitler was a nigger. Go spread this information all over the bbc's horrible history channel on jewtube. That is only an example but lets turn all the most hated black. That said I would love for an ebony goddess to beat me then rape me forcing my seed into her.

Is this how brown people feel whenever they see white Jesus?

fuck off incel

jesus wasnt a person, jesus is a raised state of consciousness. all is illusion.

Leftist bullshit. Every new show or movie has to have a main nigger, fag, or interracial couple in it. Sometimes all 3. Or the main character gets replaced by a woman, who is usually a nigger or a homo. Ozark, altered carbon, doctor who, the list goes on

There are no white Europeans in the image you posted the history they want to change is not yours.

Perhaps destroying black peoples vision of their history as slaves will destroy slave mentality, Learned helplessness and reduced hatred for "the man" leading to a more civilized and prosperous demographic.

Or maybe a bunch of shit movies and tv shows shouldn't be your source for history

Everyone in your life laughs at you whenever you leave a room.

Also 4/6 of those weren't actually historical figures...

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to be fair the romans probably had black soliders partly why they eventually fell was because they couldn't get any actual romans in the military

>altered carbon
is there a new season? sorry for asking. banned 'news feeds' and such from my life.

why do you want black people to learn false history? are you racist?

>slave mentality
that is constantly instill by the liberals so that blacks will constantly have victim mentality and will vote for liberals for help and justice.

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Majority of that shit is mythology, not history.

You ever wonder why no one wants to fuck you or do you already know?

some nice cherries you picked there, op

you argue like a girl.

All I see is a sad sad fat guy upset that women would fuck a black guy over them.

Dubs agrees

ok. at least we agree to keep black people being niggers.

I mean Achilles and the Queen of France are a bit egregious, but there were black British soldiers, and the Roman empire certainly was not an ethnostate, there were plenty of black and otherwise nonwhite soldiers, nobles, and even emperors.

This dude is upset over fiction giving fictional accounts of fictional characters in fictional realities
Stop being dumb

Mythology relates to culture and history.

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Are u a nigger? None of the peoples you said were ever black. Cope harder, baby fucker

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because the media hasn't studied history, so their perspective on history is the perspective of people in the UNI of media (brainlets)

That you have absolutely nothing going for you except the color of your skin, and you want to live in a world where that's enough...

the hollywood/media brainwashing at work

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I think you should re-read my post, friend


I'am the bottom middle.

love how everyone is ignoring the niggers in medieval britain

Blacks should've never left Africa.

nah. i want black people in the usa to stop with their nigger victim mentality stuck in the past and to start being americans of today.

Relates, but it isn't. And until I see you fuckers also chimping out when you see white Jesus, you're all just gonna be a bunch of transparent, miserable hypocrites.

I also dislike this for different reasons. Media caters to their customers. When white men were about the only people who could afford tv sets then media catered to white men. When women started watching more tv then media started catering to women.

Seeing more and more black characters on tv is just a sign that they are a large percentage of media consumers, which is problematic when you consider that they're a minority of the population. It means that they're sitting around watching a screen instead of being productive and doing something with their lives. It's another form of enslavement, just over their minds rather than their bodies. I wished black people watched less television and created more.

As to why op hates it, he is a fag who watches too much tv and who also needs to be more productive with his life. You should not be learning history from fictional television programs that are created for commercial purposes, you retarded troglodyte

Complaining about victim mentality in a thread complaining that white history is being victimized by cheap BBC tv shows casting black people as fictional characters. Slow clap everyone.

>The reason I'm an incel who can't even pay to get laid is that there is a vast conspiracy against my entire race. Yes surely that's the reason I'm not swimming in pussy even though I'm a NEET.

every culture adapts the legend of jesus to their own though. there are black and asian jesus as well.

Damn you’re looking stupid right now

>falsifying history and cultur related mythology is right
i thought this cultural appropiation thing is bad. maybe just when white people do it..

Go study. There isn’t one visual version of Jesus

not as stupid as black people holding themselves back with their shit anticulture

Blacks would be still in Africa if whites did not step foot there.

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...like mythological figures that never existed such as Friar Tuck, Guinevere and Achilles?

It seems like you're confusing fictional tv shows with history.

Christ that really is the only thing you have going for you..
You really have my pitty and I hope you get help and find someone to talk to

Romans never reached niggerlands.
>inb4 north africa was niggerland.

Because you didn't study enough to be given a casting job?

You can't falsify fiction.

Romans never got to use niggers. Thankfully they didn't reach sub saharan africa.

good thing that i dont care what you think i guess¯\_(ツ)_/¯