Trump makes a flippant off the cuff remark, like he usually does, nothing declarative or final, and his comments were actually corrected by the follow up speaker, and it’s got all of you ripping your hair out and grossly exaggerating what he said (headline TRUMP SAYS TO INJECT BLEACH ASAP).
Serious question; Why do you let this man live in your heads rent free 24/7?
It was not flippant you watch him during that entire thing and he was being dead ass serious while talking the entire time, he even put on his serious lips and voice to let you know he was trying. Nobody actually expected him to legitimately start advocating for injecting disinfectants into the body, but even still, it was a fucking exceedingly stupid comment to make even if he was being "sarcastic" and the fact that people will try to defend it is astonishing
Connor Rodriguez
No, the sarcasm excuse is bullshit I don’t believe that at all, but I don’t agree it was a formal presidential executive fucking order to eat bleach. It’s him being him off script and sometimes he scores sometimes he fucks up. This was a fuck up but the way the media is running with this is insane.
Brandon Ross
Because he's the president and as much as it sucks, what he says matters. It has a massive impact on the world due to his position.
The idea that the president is dumb enough to suggest that we study injecting disinfectant is really concerning.
>grossly exaggerating what he said (headline >TRUMP SAYS TO INJECT BLEACH ASAP).
Seems like you are the one exaggerating. Find me a serious news source that says that.
Chase Garcia
Are you new here OP?
Chase Carter
>It has a massive impact on the world due to his position lmao. no it doesnt. the rest of the world knows hes talking weird shit all the time. were not retarded and follow anything that guy says. you guys are.
Blake Perry
Genuinely confused as to how anybody watching him speak thinks this guy is in anyway coherent or competent. And yes, he literally said inject disinfectant to clean yourself out.
You’re fucking pathetic and once this is over MAGA bitches going to be hanging from telephone polls all over this country
At this point I refuse to believe that anyone actually ingested or injected bleach into their body just because Trump suggested that it be studied.
Julian Davis
Define scores
Asher Taylor
I actually like it when he recommends things like that. It kills off some of his most retarded supporters, like those two that ate aquarium cleaner.
Josiah Bell
Never underestimate the stupidity of man, user.
Caleb Perez
It does have a massive impact. His not taking the virus seriously has encouraged millions of Americans to do the same, resulting in the staggering number of cases in the US despite the high quality of healthcare.
Austin Gomez
Wait, so you think he's addressing MSM outlets with a post on Yas Forums?
Leo King
it's not the one incident, it's the accumulation of over three years of shit that drives people nuts.
Jackson Ward
yes. for YOU. not the world. thats the part i was referring to.
Mason Wood
they don't, just all of the left is basically cathy griffin interviewing jordan peterson.
Watch that, it makes a LOT of sense.
Brayden Jones
Lots of people drink bleach because they love in wacko conspiracy theory land where they think it gets rid of the gay or autism or Corona. This is conspiracy theory people are the lowest form of life or intellect
Ian Miller
The us doesnt have a staggering number of cases, and quality of healthcare has nothing to do with how infectious a disease is.
Jace Cooper
No I’m not are you, bitch?
Jason Hall
I'm not American. If you think having a huge repository of virus in North America filled with irresponsible people is not a global problem you are sorely mistaken.
Christian Ortiz
>high quality of healthcare lol
Jason Flores
I don't even know what to say to that nonsense. Please be trolling
Connor Peterson
Just wait and see. People literally already do this and I wouldn't be surprised if there was overlap between trp supporters and bleach drinkers
John Reyes
maybe for the rest of the americas. should these 'irresponsible people' actually become a threat or even a thing just ban flights to and from there. done.
Owen Ortiz
Honestly though, who's stupid enough to drink bleach? The majority of people who think he actually said that are liberals, and they tend to not believe what he says. So I'm genuinely wondering who the hell is drinking bleach? Trump never said to do it. Basically the whole world knows its deadly.
He's the fucking POTUS. Maybe he should stop fucking talking in a room full of Drs. and reporters.
He just wants to sit on the board of doctors and be like.. GUYS I GOT IT.. I know how we can fix it... and then be praised by medical professionals with years of schooling when he has 0
Jaxson Collins
We are taking about Americans right?
Adam Jones
I hope his supporters all take his advice and drink bleach or inject windex into their veins.
Caleb Jackson
I hope you're right. Although, I think we're too interconnected these days for a solution to be that simple.
Jacob Martinez
Nigger are you deft? He never advised anyone to drink bleach you fucking moron.
If anyone does inject or drink bleach then it's more likely to be because they saw a headline telling them Trump is saying to do it and not because they saw the conference.
You can literally watch the briefing where he suggests it. And then watch him saying that he said it, but he was being “sarcastic” because he was fucking with the press. Jesus Christ you people are fucking dumb.