SO. Have you noticed that world's gayness increases faster and faster? Quiet obvious...

SO. Have you noticed that world's gayness increases faster and faster? Quiet obvious. And I have absolutely logical explanation for this.
About a century ago there where no gayness at all. Yeah. Only rare genuine love between men.
But at a certain point of time gay pride was established by some secret powerful people. They wanted to spread gayness all over the world and decided to make it using the most advanced technological instruments. At first, there were theese radio and television transmissions, but it didn't work quite effective, because you need to be really close to gaywave receiver, which converts radiogayness to human-perceivable form. And then came phones, which you keep in your pockets, what gave an opportunity to start a really impessive project named Gay Pride Recruitment System or GPRS. Since that time gayness became quite unstopabble and was speading in geometric progression. Few years later we had Enhanced Direct Gayness Emission or EDGE, which had a slight improvement over previous system. Next, we had a really impessive technological leap in the form of 3G or Global Gayness Grid, which dramatically enlarged gayness transmission rate. 3G not only increased power of gaywaves but also time spent with phone, so it had a synergy effect.
Nowadays we have 4G or Glodal Gayness Granulated Grid, where granulated - is just tecnhical feature that allows higher gaywaves concentration in low-covered regions, while actually we use LTE, which stands for Latent Transsexual Emission. This explains the enormous obsession with traps that started few years ago.
And in future we are gonna have 5G or 5G NR, which means Glodal Genetic Gayness Granulated Grid Native Reception. And it becomes quite scary. Theese gaywaves are so powerful that you no longer even need receiver to be affected by them. So if you're already getting attracted to men's butts, get used to it, it is gonna be only worse. And all your descendants are also gonna be gay from birth, cause it's genetic.

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The only thing I do not understand is why they need worldwide gayness. Crowd control? Marketing benefits? Just for lulz?

Also, Wi-Fi is pretty safe. Will-Fixation can only turn you into a limp incel, but that's ok, probably you are already.

> tecnhical feature
You can't spell therefore you're wrong and I win.

If all dudes starts to suck eachothers dicks, that would mean more puss for me, so I am ok with it.

Genuine basedness right here.

Too long, didn't read

So you are immune to gayness?

Bruh, that's quite gay...

MSM pushes it, calls it special group. They scream for equal rights when they've always had them. Then ask for special rights to elevate them above everyone else, which creates an inequality in comparison to people who aren't gay, all while screaming they're always victims.

When you maintain that victimhood mentality you can be a faggot asshole to people. And thats what they are.

I'll never become one of those. I find saying 'I'm not gay' over and over in the shower every morning is enough to remove gay thoughts for the day.

Or just leaving Yas Forums with all the trap and dick rate threads spammed every minute of the day.

You’re fucking stupid. At last months gay new world order agenda meeting they said gayness was proportional to the concentration of fluoride and PFAS In the water.

One day you wont be able to resist cocksucking urge.

It’s a biological population control response. Large populations with abundance of resources can’t keep producing children to provide for because they have all these resources. Poor families have 12 kids. Rich families have 1 kid.
Super rich countries have lots of faggots.
Poor countries have few, and mostly dead faggots.

Thats chemical gay lobby. Offspring of electromagnetic one.

Ahh, found le'redditor m'lady.

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hope so. Or I start sucking dick.

Being gay just mean you are attracted to males. You can actually suck dick and not be a gay if you suck it in a non sexual way.

But how does it work? Like one day your wealth is high enough and the next day you feel urge to have some dick in your ass?

What about buttsex? Can you have it non-sexual? Like ironically or smh.

Suppose you could if you're receiving. Not sure how you would get a bonar to give it without being turned on.

>get a bonar to give it without being turned on
Just close your eyes and imagine some cute trap, obviously.

Faggotry is a choice but conditioned.
Faggotry becomes increasingly more acceptable as a population becomes more wealthy as new humans are less needed to be created.

Poor people are like fuck I’m dying of starvation I need a bunch of other humans to ensure my genes pass on

Rich people care far less for the transgressions of males. Gay women don’t exist. That’s a lie. They’re liars.

As the generations grow each one exponentially growing their faggot army due to lack of fear of being faggots. When society starts seeing it as something normal then any one citizen can easily grow up and say ya. I’m that.

>Have you noticed that world's gayness increases faster and faster?
turns out women are more and more despicable year after year

Maybe thats also a conspiracy, tho.




being this retard
read a book, understand what a real meme is and how laws against "gayness" changed along with the prejudice against it
historically/atropologically speaking there's no difference (in value) between a nazi macho mentality and a faggot lord ones
do you also belive that Yas Forums became this famous because there's a hidden agenda behind it? you really have no fucking clue about how humans work
sage for the sage god

or maybe people are realize this ancient relationship dynamic in which women serve zero purpose beyond shitting out babies and washing the clothes is worse than worthless, that it's a one way ticket to suburban mediocrity, and that you might as well just start fucking dudes

It's a natural response to overpopulation.

Lol just a bunch of fags in here

must have been the fifth generation wireless data transmission

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>It's a natural response to overpopulation.

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