It's over
It's over
proof big boy is dead?
good night, sweet prince
Corona ?
rekt by fat syndrome lol
LOL it actually happened
>good night, sweet prince
Words only an oldfag would know. I like you user, I hope you have great day.
mfw next month we see korean planes flying over us
Nahaw my homie fat-Kim, legends never die
Awww. Not Emperor Fatty!
Your mom is emperor fatty
He was talking about MY mother. That's my purse. I DON'T KNOW YOU.
It's going to be hilarious when it turns out Dennis Rodman is next in line to rule
And he becomes a way more brutal and ruthless dictator than Un ever was
we in the KEK army mourn our dear friend supreme leader of the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea greatest golfer playboy extraorinair count kim jung muda fukin un
There's no evidence for Kim's death. He's alive and kicking
I bet Kim Chungus had Rodman fuck his wife while he jacked off in the closet.
posssible if so hes embracing progresive foward thinking ideas whats wrong with that cuck hater
If anything the Chinks took him out so they can get the NORKs to attack the US.
It has just begun..
good night sweet prince?
hes okay
His widow is a cutsie. Would marry and treat her well.
Did he inject some disinfectant?
holy shit thats a bad shop
Nah just sniffed too many kids like Biden and got the rona.