Unconventional Beauties, celebs welcome, but amateur preferred

Unconventional Beauties, celebs welcome, but amateur preferred

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Chick version of Weird Al Yankovich.




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Nice trips. Plus had an unironic crush on her as a kid

Thx i did too

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Lorraine Kelly

Heard she died, alcoholism

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The principle on Parker Lewis Cant Lose Ms Russo

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Hope it’s legit

ugghh, nothing of value was lost

Shut up, she was hot

this little beauty

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Why do you virgins keep posting this fucking atrocity

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Op here, get off my thread

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Burn the thread, NOW

Stop! For fucks sake you inbred piece of shit, stop posting this bitch every goddamned day

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Classic Ricki. She was beautiful late 90s and aged well.
Early 90s cry baby ricki was a fucking land whale but somehow still cute.
Good choice user

You're a worthless cunt

Lindsey ellis?

Reminds me of a guy playing Fuck Marry Kill but he was dyslexic.

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