No guro thread?

No guro thread?

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hey anime girl nice tits

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there isn't one

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I see, well, the art is nice

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is that a war?

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nice thread incel

story faggot?

All my guro are not with me right now, so I won't be able to post much.

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im not an incel dumbass

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Before guro, there was the ero-guro movement, which was real-ass art. Standards for guro art have always been a little higher.

I know of an image where there is a boy penetrating the brain of a woman

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sick fucks

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it's a drawing faggot

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incels don't have the mental capacity to enjoy guro

I love everytime people bump the thread as insulting us

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I'll see if I find it

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Is there a certain image you are searching user?