how do girls sit down without the chair or something going up their vaginas? do they use a cork? or do they have like plats they use to stop it from going up?
How do girls sit down without the chair or something going up their vaginas? do they use a cork...
>wtf is underwear for 200 alex
you need to be 18+ to post here
but like, the underwear would rip wouldn't it?
Incel detected
==that's an ugly pussy==
nigga u gay
Looks tight af
Chairs are not seatless dildos retard
yeah but the vagina is stretchy, so wont chairs and all that just slid up their still?
That's not how chairs work, and vaginas =/= Kirby's anus.
A vagina being stretchy has no relation to that matter. I can't imagine how anyone could conceptualize that even being related unless if they're a child or Chris Chan.
or a bad troll
have you seen bad dragon videos?
too much anime
they are in OP's house
ok like
imagine your butthole, right?
now put it on an office chair
I mean, OP is talking about chairs, not bad dragon dildos.
A chair ain't going to get vored by a vagina, and that should be understandable through common sense. Or maybe I'm taking the b8 too hard-
Most women have IQ high enough to understand when the chair is upside down, unlike OP.
A more pressing question. How do they lie on their stomachs without their tits poking holes in the mattress?
My parents taught me from a young age wear a plug in my anus, which avoids any unwanted entry.
I would guess girls are taught the same?
all girls have a little troll called pillow pants living in their pussy. i guess he stops the chairs from going in
The chair goes all the way into my ass.
that's now a scooby don't thread
Authentic Velma