Are her breasts weird? Or is it the lighting?
Trying to decide if I want to date this bitch.
Are her breasts weird? Or is it the lighting?
You sure that's not a guy?
That's a dude.
yeah im sure
Make that girl cum and you'll have a pussy to fuck for life.
That’s an ugly dude girl
my nigga why she got a dude face
she looks a little masculine, yeah
Hell no. Move onto the next bitch. Let the niggers have this one.
Trying to decide if you want to date her?
Hit the gym for like 6 months and advance your game a touch.
yikes bro.
Her tits don't look weird. They're just small
thats bo burnham
She'll buff out. Go for it OP. Just bag the mug before sexy time. Tell her its a fetish or just fuck her from behind. If youre concerned about social image, being seen with her, repeat steps above. Good luck user. May god have mercy on your soul.
Her tits are fine, it’s that face you gotta worry about
You do you user, even if what you do is guys...
Holy fucking shit, this is the best roast in this thread
that's also a big yikes from me, also youre prob pretty cringe yourself so shes in your league
>are her breasts weird
>bitch looks like Stan Laurel
Any port in a storm is a bad way to go through life getting taken advantage of.
Why should anyone care what her tits look like if you want to date her? Shouldn't you be more concerned about if you like her and get along with her.
If you just wanna fuck her then sure, you have a valid question, but if it's to date then who gives a fuck.
Go for it, why the fuck not?
post more of this cringy slut.
nice trips.
cute pussy
she looks like crispin glover dude
on the other hand loyal pussy is at a premium these days
Goddamn. Poor thing she's really not pretty. OP, post your face so we see if you can actually get better or if its the best you can hope to get.
she makes up for it by being silly
she also makes some very "funny" faces
I just.... Don't know what to say. You still didn't show us your face OP. I don't know if this is bait, but if its not, stop posting her. She seem pretty comfortable sending you these video, and you're showing them to a bunch of perv on the internet. Maybe you actually don't deserve her, user.
Gulag fuel.