New ylyl old one capped

New ylyl old one capped

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discord gg 92QkpK

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>the prayer beads are for his enemies

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Gonna dump my folder while I get high and eat lunchables, and there's not a god damn thing the American government can do to stop me

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there's nothing funny about a makarov

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that was painfully unfunny the first 300 times you posted it

Just a warning, it's nasty fag porn

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>those numerals

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Whatever cuck

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We wuth kangth

>THOSE numerals

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Dude I'm here to say I probably agree with you on a lot of stuff but your memes are trash, your sense of humor is gone, eclipsed by butthurt

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Wasted on a retarded meme
Satan’s work

your memes are straight 2013 bro. impact font with black stroke? get outta here with that shit, gramps

this is fascinating shit

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If you agree dont talk disparagingly.

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choose one

What was really wasted were the 250 million other sperm cells that could have made it to your mom's egg first, instead we're all stuck with... you.

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treat minorities like shit for hundreds of years, minorities turn out to be shitty wow whoulda thunk?

Ohhhh I get it you're trolling

Found the nigger

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Corona sure did bring summer in early


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What is it about YLYL that attracts the most dedicated shitposters?
>Banana posting
>Andy Sixx posting
>Anime Islam posting
>Ray Pist posting
Is there anything else I've forgotten about?

Attached: it_comes.jpg (1024x576, 89.45K)

>treat minorities like shit for hundreds of years, minorities turn out getting blow jobs from your daughter in traffic wow whoulda thunk?

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