"Maybe we inject Bleach?" -President Dumb Fuck

"Maybe we inject Bleach?" -President Dumb Fuck

It's Over.

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It's sad how so many stable geniuses we lose each day from shooting up clorox.

imagine complaining about bad advice that trump gives to his cult. I guess you really care if they kill themselves?

It must be the Russians.

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it was just a prank bro

It's about fucking time.

Not a trump supporter, not OP, but yes I would still care.

There's nothing dangerous about injesting a small amount of bleach, it is actually very beneficeal. But the media hates Trump so they reported it to make him look foolish..when this is all over and we count the bodies, how many will be because of CNN? NBC? ABC?

"maybe we make a thread on Yas Forums" -OP

It's Over.

It's really not stupider than anything else he's ever said. His supporters are too stupid to realize how dumb it is. So nothing will change.

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I dunno what you're talking about OP, I snorted a line of Ajax a few hours ago and feel just fine

you all let it happen, you deserve whatever happens to you all.

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Twas a ruse! I was only PRETENDING to be retarded to own the libs! Ha ha! Please vote for me this November gaiz...

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This is exactly what I thought when I read that too.

>hurr durr I'm not retarded I was just pretending

Pathetic tbh

"Just a little bleach"

That is not what he meant. You idiots would jump off a building if the media told you that you could fly.

Let's say for a moment that this is true. He's admitting to be joking around with one of the worst pandemics in a 100 years instead of fucking leading this country to a good outcome. He's so fucking stupid he thinks that's the way of getting away with it.

Tell us what he really meant, Trump whisperer

Damn Commies and their social distancing!

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You idiots really think he was saying to inject bleach? He was just saying "maybe there's a way to interest something to clean away the virus like a disinfectant does," rather than just vaccine + antibodies. It's a very childlike or simple suggestion, but it's hardly saying to drink bleach. Why do you guys need to always make up more shit to attack him? Just attack what he's actually saying if you want to call him retarded.

Fucking this.

It's even worse to make out that this was just a prank bro to 'see what would happen'

Holy fucking shit his COPE is ridiculous. I think this one has really affected his voting base too. The mental gymnastics involved to explain this one away are too much for the majority. Only the most far gone will continue to lick his big chungus

Is this Biden? It's like that's not even close to what he said. Are you drinking fish cleaner?

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>russian bot
>drink blech

>Just attack what he's actually saying if you want to call him retarded.

That's literally what people are doing, and it's exactly why you're upset right now. Cope harder bitch.

>it is actually very beneficeal
You learn that from Sanje Gupta?

Reminder that this is all a zionist Freemason scheme to discredit the greatest American President ever! *cough* God bless Trump! *cough* *wheeze*

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How? When everyone's saying he said to drink clorox? Why don't you read the fucking post before you clap back faggot

>quote satire site
Fish on!

you are stupid beyond words. die. people with more than 2 brain cells know what trump ACTUALLY said.

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>if I take an obvious joke as a serious statement, maybe this will finally bring down drumpf!
said man for the 124th time in the last 4 years