In all seriousness here, do you or would you go down on a girl? Even her ass?

In all seriousness here, do you or would you go down on a girl? Even her ass?

It just always turns me off regardless of how hot the girl is. I don't get these anons saying things like "sit on my face" or "I'd eat her butt" all the time. Asses are definitely hot to stare at, touch or fuck but I would never want my mouth or nose inside one like gif related. Not even if the girl really wanted me down there. That shit is nasty.

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No. Its just a meme like brap

Fuck off underage virgin incel subhuman.

no but she better suck my dick

I like it but only if they are fully clean

I've eaten my fair share of ass, and I have to say, I'm just not a big fan. Although, if it turns her on, I will still do it.

Spotted the femanon that has never gone down on a stinky slimy cunt.

I'll eat pussy all day though.

never would eat ass but sit on my face is hot tho.

Go down on a girls pussy? Absolutely.

Ass? No.

Its not a first date thing, but I've eaten a lot of ass in my LTRs. But I don't fuck filth, so I understand why its a non-starter for a lot of guys.

there are people eating shit for sex
so you can't think of people finding a nice shaven and freshly washed butt in their face hot?

you need a brain transplant, that's obvious

You say "incel" like its an insult.

That's it user. Revel in your virginity.

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pussy and ass eater here. For me personally the taste and smell of both holes while horny is intoxicating. I feel like a i lose my sense of self when i go down on a girl and seeing her quiver and moan is a huge turn on.
That being said i have always asked them to shower before sex. You do NOT want to eat an unclean pussy, its just unsanitary,

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I never eat out vag or lick ass.
I ate out one girl the first time I had sex
After that never again.

I mainly date Asians these days, they usually say the don't want oral sex. Though they do suck dick.

Win win for me I guess. I'm grossed out by licking vag or ass.

I will never understand ass eating, but eating out pussy is so much fun.

The girl has to taste good though.

Lick pussy yes, lick ass no.

As long as she’s clean it’s no big deal.

Are you 11?

pt.2 since im reminiscing, first time i ate pussy it was for like 2 minutes. I liked it but felt a bit uncomfortable because of the slight taste in pee but the other times it was just delicious, the pheromones play a HUGE factor in this since it takes you back to your primal way of thinking. Honestly user to all the other Yas Forumstards give it a chance with someone you like. They appreciate and return the favor.

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well, If you're not into it don't do it.
I REALLY enjoy eating my gf ass, even more than eating her pussy, Normally I ask her to clean it first, Or I just take her after a shower. BUT when Im really really horny I love the smell of her dirty ass. Sometimes I just rub my face between her asscheeks just to get my face all stinky so I can keep smelling her ass during the day. (I only do this if I KNOW Ill be staying home and wont have contact with another person, just imagine going to work with my face smelling like ass) Mind you, her ass doesn't stink like yours, girl ass, even when not totally clean, smells completely different from a guy's.
I don't know if is pheromones related or simply hornyness, but i fucking LOVE the smell.

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Sure is Red Pill in here.

Just ate my wife’s big ass, just out of the pool and drunk so she didn’t stop me. Don’t be a fucking pussy, if the ass is clean eat it.

same. olfactophilia is what i have i think

Fucking dipshit teenagers not wanting to eat ass. You gremlins should be so lucky to even have it in front of you, probably don’t have any idea what to even do with it.

>dont be a pussy man, just eat the poopoo
no thanks im not gay

Yes op im not gay. Done it many times. Bitch got to be clean.

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>smells completely different from a guy's.
how do you know?
you gay or sumthin?

I said clean you fucking autist. If it’s shitty you’re on your own and might want to find a different chick

whatever you do with a girl, make sure you are doing the maximum sexual thing that you're into with them.

I'm 34 and think it's disgusting as fuck. May as well eat shit.

no, brap is the meme
Everyone grows up eventually.

thanks mom

..maybe he's stuck his hand in his ass and smelled it? pulled the covers over himself after not showering? a million other possibilities..

It really is relative. I love to eat a nice ass and pussy too. Something about smelly holes turns me on. A nice non hairy ass that is. But i would suck a dick too so i dont have much standards.