Welcome to my thread

Welcome to my thread.

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aww shit, here we go again.

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Well fucking post something

This is a good thread, user.
Your mother and I are pleased you threw that cumbox away
We are so proud of you young man

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nice place nigga

Hello, what's up?

Hi, I'm playing runescape, what are you doing?

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im stuck here
how tf do i get out?


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trips maybe?


i give up

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o shit


Nice place you have here

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Oh shit

Do you always give up that easily?

ffs i was close

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god fucking dammit i did it again

Nice screenshot that shit cuz that's a 1 in 1000 post

Trip and dub in the same thread ama

already did

i had sex with this prostitute

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Did you kiss her?

Neat thread here faggot

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probably not, I can't remember


thanks, i like it around here :)