The beacons are lit! Gondor calls for aid! Who shall answer their call?

The beacons are lit! Gondor calls for aid! Who shall answer their call?

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Dunno chief, when we called for aid Gondor wasn’t there so I suddenly
got busy, sorry!


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Try /k/

Unless there are going to be lots of sexy elf women to have sex with.

We ride forth!

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The furfags will be there!

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you have my digits

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The 9th Legion stands ready.

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You have my pepe!

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Will there be punch and pie?

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Choppa incoming!

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and fagdor will answer.

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You have my blade!

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Yes. Punch and pie for everyone once the battle is won.

We ride at dawn fuckbois

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Freedom Reagan reporting in

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take this disinfectant for full immunity

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And mine.

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You rang?

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You have my shake weight

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slav here reporting for duty

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You have my D20 and +1 dagger against Orcs

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To Gondor's aid!

Attached: Should have had a V8.webm (320x180, 1.26M)

Das it mane


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Never thought I'd die side by side with a faggot

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I'll send my nanny to fight on your behalf

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The Red Army will answer the call!

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And my PK

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How about side by side with a friend?

The Damned stand ready.

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Aye, I could do that

>The Red Army
Lol. No thanks