Every one of these should be exterminated

Every one of these should be exterminated

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How come op?


Aww but the one on the bottom right looks like he's shouting nigger

They're cute but sadly, I agree wholeheartedly.

Fucking pittie moms are the worst, defending their shit breed when any other would do just as well, and not kill you. They just want attention, as usual.

The same principle would then apply to men

Why tf yall want to cause unecesarry pain. Guys, they feel and shit, and there are ppl that can teach them to behave somehow. Dont blamr dogs cuz they angry. Blame the fuckin owner geez


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Niggers made these beasts. I went to a benefit event for rescued pit bulls. Every one was there because of nigger mistreatment.

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These dogs, and all can be tamed, niggers made them In their own image.

No no not the fawns

No no not the fawns

No no not the fauns

No no not the good ones

There might be a little girl hiding under my bed

I didn’t check


I think we should gather all the pitbulls up grind them all up and feed them to the homeless

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Are you a cat, Op?

Word Op

yeah fuck pit bulls stupid ugly things

They're adorable. Exterminate the niggers and the skin heads that raise them to be attack dogs.

Before pitbulls staffys and rottweilers were cool gangs and thugs used Alsatians and there were idiots just like you saying to kill that breed.

Bottom line is all dogs have teeth and they can all be trained to attack.

>every living thing should be exterminated

only this can bring true peace

Yeah, it's cute. But he's actually shouting "Nigga," being a nigga himself. These are not dogs, but dawgs. Therefore, extermination.

Not the cutest puppies, but cute. Still gotta go.

Always some girl who can hardly handle them when they're behaving. Impossible when they act like assholes. I'm right at 6' and 205lb. Not the biggest dude, but I wouldn't risk having a dog I can't control like these. Fuck those irresponsible jagaloons.

I don't want them to feel pain. I want them to go peacefully. the point is that these breeds are inherently more aggressive, whether you want to accept that fact or not. Their aggression coupled with their jaw strength and muscle mass makes them impossible to control if the worst happens. Very few people can handle them. Yet they are everywhere. They have been used to hunt bears, for God's sake.

Fuck those dumb assholes. And while we're at it, fuck dog fighting, which you know a lot of them were involved in. I don't want these things to suffer.

Read above. Pretending that American bulldogs and pitbulls are just as dangerous as any other dog is ignorant. I've known a lot of sweet pitbulls. But no matter how they are trained, they are dangerous. I have a great dog. Sweet as can be. Big enough. But he's an animal and if he ever goes ape shit on someone, they or I can handle him without broken bones and blood loss.

Every pit I met was owned by a worthless nigger or spic. Every animal deserves a chance. With niggers or spices thinking they can have a personal attack dog, makes it harder for the poor pups.

Hold on, did you just repost but in shittier quality? This triggers my Auschwism

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Was discussing them as rescues just today.

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Excuse me where the fuck did I say all dogs are equal? But if you're going to make that argument then you've proven how stupid it is. They're not the biggest dog, they're not the fastest dog, and they don't even have the most powerful bite out of all dogs. What they have is short fur to make their wide chest look relatively beefy and a large mouth to head and head to body ratio.

Dont train them to attack and they're just another dog doing dog stuff.

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You left out their kill record.

t. nigger
t. cuck

You mean the statistic which lists them as having an insanely high kill rate because it puts them down as "pitbulls, staffys, rottweilers, mixed breeds and unidentified breeds" all in one group? Yeah I've seen that bullshit record.

Love your delusion, hopefully it gets you killed.

There's also the record of how many attacks/bites there are which not only dumps several breeds and all crosses together to inflate it but also neglects to mention that they're attacking because they're the current favorite breed for niggers and gangs and thugs to train as attack dogs.

Again, it used to be Alsatians. Back when they were the popular breed for fighting and attacking the statistics showed them as being the most dangerous breed.

You're not proving anything by bringing shit like that up.

if even one of these vicious killing machines keeps a nigger out of my house, his life was worth preserving IMO



You are a fucking coward, when I was a kid I was scared of pitbulls because I was a fucking child.
My sister's friend had a pitbull and he was the most harmless dog I have ever met. They got a baby bulldog and he was so docile that he let the baby dog chew the top of his head and it was fucking bleeding. It was sad as fuck.