Just realized my waifu was released from jail this year. Any news on her? Is she active on any social media?
Also general Michelle Carter/waifu claim thread
Just realized my waifu was released from jail this year. Any news on her? Is she active on any social media?
Also general Michelle Carter/waifu claim thread
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I'm sure she'll be thoting it up on IG or wherever soon enough
I wanna eat her out
Wouldn't mind that at all. She should have a pretty big fan base at this point? The charges were bullshit, her bf was a weak piece of shit.
Why was cara delevigne in jail?
She lives near me, I want to match with her on Tinder and see if I can take texting with her.
this is my murder waifu
she chopped up two ex-lovers and kept them in an ice cream freezer for awhile. now she's in an Austrian loony bin. Hopefully they release her one day
how did she kill them?
zero chance she would make me kill myself, cuz if I were texting with here I'd be in heaven
she's gonna cut your fuckin balls off bro. she's crazy... not fuck like an animal and possibly stab me with a fork if I break up with her crazy... she's cut your dick off with a dull blade because her cat told her you disrespected it crazy
Used a gun on each, then a chainsaw to dismember the remains. She had an ice cream shop which is were she stored them
And what do you base that on? Are you retarded? She haven't showed any signs of being crazy.
Plus points for that. Most chicken women goes with poison. At least with her you wouldn't have to worry what you eat or drink.. Unless it's ice cream ofc.
you obviously haven't done your research. the bitch is crazy and she's weird as fuck. she had no friends. none. her and that kid never fucked or anything.. they only hung out like 3 or 4 times. she's batshit insane, you tumbling tumbling dickweed. Bella Thorne even played her in a lifetime movie
That just makes my penis harder.
If this is bad stuff, I'm gonna fuckin SLAP ya.
that's all good and fine. I want to fuck her too if we're being real but to say she's shown no signs of being crazy is.... crazy
That's even better. Keeping that bitch to myself. Ofc they never fucked, have you seen the guy? Holy shit need to see that shit. It's obviously biased af since people can't understand that weak pieces of shit like that dude are beyond saving. He would have killed himself 100% without encouragement. They will absolutely make her out to be worse than reality.
the fuck is wrong with her forehead
It's not covered in my semen?
know where I can find that "movie"?
She's been getting licked out by old lady's. She's not into you
dating murder bimbos
that's gonna work out well
Jodi's available
▲ ▲
on the lifetime channel? it was a lifetime movie network Friday night movie like a week after she got sentenced.
Seriously she's gotta cover up that fivehead
She got cara's short haircut for her release after fellow inmates pointed out the resemblance. She's gunning for a movie about this with Sara playing her. Bitch is crazy.