Trap/Trans/Femboy Thread

Trap/Trans/Femboy Thread

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I love this baby girl.

bumpan with best girl

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More of her please, told her she looks like Mulder on grindr once

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You guys think her socks smell bad enough she had a hold her breath while taking this pic? haha, I wonder.

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shut the fuck up foot fag

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No. I want her scent to pierce my brain.

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Uh oh stinkyyyy

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>think her socks smell bad

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i want a bullet to pierce your brain

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i want to kiss your tummy, dif user here btw

You don't pass, you must be ugly as fuck. Stop posting.

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what kind of dudes are traps usually into? i'm a tall skinny dude and i can never seem to find any interested traps in my area

Holy shit, I wish this was me

Not me, I'm just in love.

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flip over and show butt pls

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6'5 250lbs with full beard and atleast 6 figures a year to finance waxing and pills

>You don't pass, you must be ugly as fuck. Stop posting.
I'd reck her..

the kind that gives them attention

With a man who doesnt pass.

Other traps and Chads, if you're pretty good looking you might have a chance bro, if not then you will only get crossdressers, sowwy.

yeah, youre stomach user
i see youre back
that's a question best left for individuals, not groups. traps are people, they don't have a set type, only what a person likes

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Thats like, your opinion.

moar please

I like

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That's a fact. There are better looking traps. Low taste fag.

don't listen to him, don't interact with him, hes always in a thread, haven't seen him recently but i guess hes back now

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Maybe the secret is catch them early on.

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>yeah, youre stomach user
i like thighs too, and cute peeps, and soft lips, and bewbies, and cute butts

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you can't categorise what traps like every body is different i'm only interested in other TV/traps but very cute femboys are more than welcome..

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From faggot to queen, I would do it too

how to get smooth?

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