why is there so many trump threads wtf
Shareblue thinks they smell blood in the water.
that's a nice cock bruv :^)
A true leftist icon.
same game as 4 years ago.
democrats are in panic because they know their candidate is weak, some new age tech guys got into the ears of old farts, telling them that popular content on the internet will sway votes in their favor, and so they pay college dropouts to shitpost 24/7.
doesn't mean all of them are paid shills, most are just jumping on the bandwagon because it confirms their biases.
the outcome will be the same: 4 more years trump and 4 more years REEEEEEEEE from idiots.
either ignore these threads, or troll them for your own entertainment. They only care about the bumps and won't listen anyways.
That's a greatly reductive
We also want to see those epic right memes
engrish much?
how about you suck winfried kots dick some more, knife-eye?
How about you blow me before your corn futures drop into negative numbers
Enjoy your Atlantic City economy
report back to your supervisor that your language skills suck, and that you need more intensive re-education before american pigs will be able to decipher your gibberish.
Also tell him I fucked his mom.
Its was clearly sarcasm you dumb llibtard. Don't blame Mr Trump if you're too retarded to understand what he's saying.
theyre not going to stop sucking his cock, you do know that, right? its far easier to fool a swath of fucking idiots than it is to get said idiots to admit be being suckered like the rubes they are
>retards like this actually exist
Kys inbred mongoloid
This, I unironically hope Trump follows just end themselves out of sheet stupidity to help America as a whole.
>fucking up hard enough that people rather vote a clown into office, than your oh-so-admired career politicians
you realize that both trump worshippers and trump haters are equally retarded, right?
>literally uses "It's just a prank bruh"
Truly he is our Shitposter in chief
If your education system could teach you basic reading comprehension you wouldn't have elected the man responsible for bankrupting more municipalities than the plague you've allowed to completely fuck your economy
If you want I can explain the big words in this post
Sure, go ahead.
>your education system
you don't really know how to shill effectively, do you?
It's entertaining triggering you snowflakes
ok maybe your slightly retarded but im pretty sure he was spelling shit wrong on purpose to make fun of you. but you retardpublicans will believe anything so i guess there's no point in arguing.
I love it when people make use of emes they don't understand.
just chink things...
may I reffer you to this post?
An education system is what most countries have and use to pass on knowledge (brain shit, in American) and skills to their children
Bankruptcy is a state of being when you have no money and cannot generate more
Im lovin watching Trump fuck with people, if he starts going full GG Allin and flings shit at reporters i would proudly declare him The Messiah
Fuck I hate liberals. I didn’t use too but ever since 2016 there near constant bitching and moaning has caused me to pray to a god I don’t even believe in to grant us a second civil war just so I can sign up and shoot a fucking liberal in there self righteous, pompous, condescending, asshole heads.
so what you're saying is that you're a foreigner that is not eligible to vote for either side?
I may not be a trump supporter, but I just love how hard he triggers even insignificant people on the other side of the globe.
The virus will be gone in minutes if you inject disinfectant. True story
Is he spittin the illest freestyle in that cap?