Can someone please find a clip of Trump specifically directing people to inject cleaning products into their veins?

Can someone please find a clip of Trump specifically directing people to inject cleaning products into their veins?

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>I don't know how to internet spoonfeed me

You can't because he never said that

Protip: you can't

do you need to ask a medical professional if its a good idea to inject disinfectant into yourself as well you fucking mongoloid?

Trump never said that, just like how your dad never wanted you or the fact that your mom tried to abort you with vodka

Dunning Kruger effect. Some people are so fucking smart. Google it if you're unsure what it means.

So if he never said that then why are people all up in arms?

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Lie more republicunt asshole. When will you morons stop defending this idiot?

He never said that for fuck sake. He just went to a press conference and said that "they're looking into it", right before asking some doctor if it's something she's heard of. And her EXPLICITLY SAYING THAT SHE DOESN'T RECOMMEND IT AS A TREATMENT.

It was SARCASM, you retard.

>Being this mad

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don't apply reasons to unreasonable libs. They know he didn't said that but they don't care

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So if he never said it then why is it all over reddit and Yas Forums as if he did say it? Could it be that our population is just as if not more retarded as the POTUS?

You're the fucking retard. Anyone will a fucking brain can see he isn't being serious! You're probably the type that lobbied for instructions on shampoo.

You're a fine example of a RETARD

next level brainwashing

>My emperor was being sarcastic hur dur
You dumb fucks say this about every retarded thing Trump says that orange nigger jew even owes China money. Fuck you shill.

lol look how the trumpists are trying to spin it this time lol

Guys I was only pretending to say and tweet retarded shit.

Morons defending assholes. Good job republicunts.


They always spin in, they are like faggots who love Biden. HE VAN DO NO WRONG, HE IS THE BETTER CHOICE.
Fucking delusional morons.

Clip doesn't exist because he never said that

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Name 11 different times he's done this


no, because it does not exist; people have taken something he said way out of context (big surprise) that another doctor was talking to him about.

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When will morons stop listening to people based on a CLAIM to be an "expert" vs the actual experts? You watch the news (name a media news source, that's who I'm talking about) and you assume they are giving you the whole impartial truth and you should regurgitate it to everyone you speak to because your politcal-God needs your help.

nobodys talking about Biden you retarded trumpist

lol we're talking about your clown president

Yes Redit and libs are retarded. Trump is just on a different level to most normies.

Kek, 4 MORE YEARS! 4 MORE YEARS! You mad bro. Praise kek. God Emperor Trump isn't going anyway.

Keep on lying asshole, trump would be proud of your lies.

>like could we inject disinfectant
No fucktard.

>specifically directing
No one is saying that he said this. He did, however, suggest it was an option worth looking into (as with hydrochloroquine, which resulted in people taking it and having heart complications)

Fuck off MAGA boy, both candidates are shit. Go back and cry about voting for an orange doofus.

no I'm laughing at you, not mad at all

t. Euro

yeah yeah yeah, spare me the usual

i don't think you know what sarcasm is.

Calm down. This is a soviet era fail. Things are far more subtle now.

Fuck. What are you? 50, 60? Get better.


weird that last night you guys were saying that it was something he and Bryan were talking about and that clearly they were talking about some other magic medicine

Imagine if Obama did this. Imagine how fervently you'd be railing on him.

This is your only true home and civilization on the internet, because it is the only place you cannot get kicked out of by mods.

Welcome home user. The age of moderation has ended.

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I mean, Only Americans would literally inject disinfectant. The literacy rate in America is a fucking joke. You retards need an elitist to read what the bottle says.

>orange man bad he said inject disinfectant

You retards all go crazy about something HE DIDN'T FUCKING SAY. Anyone will a brain larger than a fucking peanut knows not to inject disinfectant. You're a great example of The Dunning Kruger effect.


Found the Amerimutt in disguise.

easy there bud. that's still fucking retarded of him to say

>railing on him
I wouldn't rail on Obama, I'd just rail him.

>So if he never said that then why are people all up in arms?
Because they're fucking stupid? What kind of question is this?

You think with a little HRT and if he hit the cardio hard, Obama could've pulled off the femboy/trap look in his 20s?

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>t. Euro
lmao, who gives a fuck about the Europe? You're our bitch, you're Trumps bitch. When we have a vaccine, God Emperor will make sure to charge double lmao. Such faggots.

This is only one sample in a long line of remarks that are (at best) grossly irresponsible by Trump

Besides being brainwashed - it's hard to see why anyone would defend the dumbsass when he AGAIN stick his own foot in his own mouth.

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you Trumpcucks are seriously pathetic

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because the president shouldn't have to ask questions that even a 5th grader would know are retarded

LOL Trump is a bitch of China when they call their loan in.

Europoor KEK

It's a rhetorical question. It's a commentary on how stupid people will believe stupid headlines without doing independent research.

Great, now I'm hard for Obama. How did things come to this?

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Anyone defending this asshole trump should be shot in the head. Too stupid to live.

He was brainstorming stupid ideas but he never said to inject that shit.

I hope everyone in this thread has a happy life.

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>Anyone defending this asshole trump should be shot in the head. Too stupid to live.

Imagine wishing death om someone for defending Trump on something he DIDN'T FUCKING SAY. My Lord you're retarded.

I thought he was being sarcastic, user :^)

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>Trump is being such a racist for starting a trade war with China
>Trump is being such a racist for calling COVID-19, Chinese Flu
Also Libs:
>Trump is in deep in debt to China, that's why he's going so easy on them.

Does anyone know what the vaccine rate is in Europe? I only ask because there's a lot of low energy cucks and retards from there. I wonder how many of them have been vaccine damaged.


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this is exactly it.

he doesnt fully understand what the doctors are doing so they dumb down the language for him. he's still too dumb to understand so when he tries to repeat it, he fucks it up.

then some retards hear the dumb shit he says and they take a chemical that sounds kind of like the one he said.

he's panicking, because he's in over his head. he's always sounded like this, because he's always in over his head.

tl;dr retarded human centipede of information

Then go find the quote, smart guy. We know you can't because it doesn't exist.

Be as mad as you want, it still doesn't change the fact he didn't say to inject yourself with bleach.

I hope everyone in this thread has a good day and a fulfilling, happy life.

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And you are a fucking asshole trump sucking moron. Die asshole.

He never said that but I can find plenty of clips of Biden sexually harassing women and children while thinking he was running for the senate again.

He didn't say that. The left dont understand English

like how he said Corona was a hoax but didn't?

I just wish everyone could be happy.

Uhhhm yes. Stable chlorox genius

I hope everyone in this thread has a long and happy life.

>He never said that but I can find plenty of clips of Biden sexually harassing women and children while thinking he was running for the senate again.
But Biden plays for my team, so that's okay

Lying republicunt asshole. trump raped more women than Biden even knows.

I've got something "long" and "happy" for you

bbbuuut Bbbbiden

Kim dies in the pilot episode of the next season

>Trump totally didn't say what he just said

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Republicunts don't understand truth or honor.
He literally said it. Lmao. What the fuck is wrong with you americans? Stop defending this guy. Yes, orange man bad. You voted for a fucking moron lmao. Just accept it and move on. It's next level delusion at this point.

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