Lately I've been getting hard to feminine males like pic related and I'm kind of having a crisis. I know people will probably give me joke replies saying I'm a faggot but I really don't know how to process these feelings. I don't have anything against gay people but lately I've been wanting to fuck a trap so bad and it's upsetting me. What do Yas Forums
Lately I've been getting hard to feminine males like pic related and I'm kind of having a crisis...
fuck traps if you want to fuck traps. do what thou wilt
I feel the same way, been wanting to fuck a trap for ages too.
Fucked a couple
Was uneventful and not impressed
Biological women are still superior
You are turning in to a faggot no joke. >do what thou wilt
is the Satanist motto. If you have not learned anything about the government's MKULTRA program I would look in to that along with the Tavistock institute and their role in brainwashing the masses. They have been running the same kind of psyops here for years. Posting faggots and men with tits who eventually go on to commit suicide once they realize what they were used for and what their life has become. The good news is, it is not too late for you to break the conditioning and return to God.
why did god make traps so hot?
I had that phase for 3 years. Now I wish I could get hard on trannies. Sometimes they look like dudes to me. I wish I could reverse that. That fresh hunger for faggots that dress like women and behave like them. I wish I could turn gay again...
He didn't, Satan perverted what you find attractive combined with the erosion of morality on the public with things like tranny story hour for third graders. They have been prepping the weak minded for YEARS to like this shit. All the masculinity was conditioned/punished out of the men in schools for the last 2 or 3 generations. We have a vacuum in our society of strong men, which is why so many of the women today are flocking to a small minority of strong men. This was all planned out WAY in advance.
just go for it and don't worry about what people are saying
btw nice pic
a lot of people say the opposite, well, to each his own i guess
just go on gindr and find one to fuck after quarantine
The fuck is going on in that pic?
Listen i just wanna fuck bum. As hard as i can . No chick will let me do it, thats a bit of a let down
don't listen to that fag, just do whatever the fuck you want, if you want to fuck a trap, go for it
Ok schizo
I think i will :) fanks
I've been on this board for 6 years or so.
Never in my life have I ever seen a funnier Anti-Jew pic like this. Kudos to the painter.
I'm satan and I aprove what this message
>The fuck is going on in that pic?
>Never in my life have I ever seen a funnier Anti-Jew pic like this. Kudos to the painter.
Google Simon of Trent.
yeah cool, some christian propaganda from centuries ago, what the point tho?
Let me guess, it is anti semitic to call out Jews for performing blood libel occult rituals on children?
let me guess, you think the christian never lied in the past and especially during a period where they were slaughtering jews(and i can also killing protestant at the same time)?
do whatever the fuck you want if that makes you happy
you are a degenerate and that is okay
just do not annoy other people with your faggotry
listen to that guy he speak the truth, do what you want but don't become one of the lgbt fucktard that cry 24/7 on twitter or a sjw
you're attracted to secondary sexual characteristics more than to first ones. not a big deal, it's just brainwashing from to much free time and porn. it's just a movie preference, you wouldn't go out and kill somebody just because you watch a lot of action movies.
if you don't adjust to vaginas you could end up becoming attracted to men physically because our brains are not that great at separating sexual preferences.
actually they are, 99% of people don't become gay because they watched trans porn
You couldn't be more wrong user, see how many traps have succumbed already, I'm not complaining though I live traps
liking trap and being one is not really the same thing
porn addiction
Why do you think those are joke replies?
You are suppose to want to do stuff with what looks like girls. Its the estrogen why I like fat girls.
Some people after a while of being exposed to that kind of content for some reason now want to be the content itself, pic related
>Break brainwashing
>Believes in God
Pick one
ok grandpa
He can't, he's already been brainwashed, oh the irony
that's only a really small % of the people watching, but i agree, it happen
dont abuse yourself or trans folk, just fuck a dude if you wanna experience dick for the first time.