Ask guy who has 2 kids, a good paying job, a wife, and plans on killing himself anything.
Ask guy who has 2 kids, a good paying job, a wife, and plans on killing himself anything
How much you want for them kids?
Will you cash app me like 600$? Also,dont do it,you got kids man.
can you hurry the fuck up and do it?
What is your dick size? flaccid and erect.
Don’t think my wife would want anything to do with selling them off.
How can i get your monies?
Just because I make good money unfortunately does not mean I have money to spend. Kids are expensive.
do you wanna take your family with you? also how are you gonna do it
Thoughts on doing it tonight. Plan is sleeping pills. Get into an “argument” with the wife blow up a air mattress in my office then pop as many as the fuckers as possible.
Why wait? How do you intend to check out?
Definitely a grower and now a show-er. Maybe 3 inches flaccid 5.5 erect.
Why Yas Forumsro? I get the universe is hopeless, hate can breed in any relationship, and extreme dissatisfaction with life being boring and limiting, but what is driving you towards being free of consciousness?
See the reply above for the other Jew.
can you send pics of your daughters stinky fucking asshole ty
Oh,I'm aware they are expensive,I have 4. Hence the desperate need for money lol. But still,those little ones are gonna need you,you'll hurt them if you just abruptly die.
Sleeping pills. Have to get into a separate sleeping situation with the wife because I don’t like the thought of her sleeping next to a dead dude.
naw just do it fag wife and kids are exhausting. get some rest
Give me money
I am a visual learner gonna need pic conformation on that cock size
Battled depression since middle school. About once every 2-3 months I go through huge depression swings. All I think about for about 2-3 weeks is wanting to kill myself because I hate myself and the societal norms.
>work for your whole life
>pay other people so you can live somewhat happy
You should join me user, would probably help society if you did.
What a pussy. You're going to commit suicide in the most cowardly way because you don't actually want to die, you're just stressed. Faggot.
sounds like a solid plan
Why are you unhappy?
Also, don’t do it.
This guy gets me.
More so I’m worries about my family finding me faggot. While I might not have concern for myself I’d rather not scar my wife finding me with a bullet hole in my head.
I doubt some btards are gonna change your mind try and enjoy it
Unsure. As I said I’ve dealt with it for 10+years now. Go through bouts of being fine then weeks for excruciating hatred for myself.
Then jump off a bridge you fucking vagina. You know damn well you're only posting this shit thread for attention, otherwise you'd end yourself and be over it. Faggot, I'd say kill yourself but you'd be made into a martyr
A bullet isn't the only way to die user.
Yeah no problem man, just google 5 inch cock. Study it up good.
You brought your kids into the world. You should be strong for them.
But also, if you’re going to go out, why do it in such a boring way? If you’re ready to die, risk your life doing something badass. Rob a fucking bank like in Heat or some shit.
Ah yes, I want the approval of a bunch of fucking idiots who jerk off to dead people and trannys. If I wanted attention I’d go to family, faggot.
I’m thinking practical. I’d still like my family to have their closure.
You're here, you're replying. You're no more than an attention whore. Die sooner, rather than later. I'm sure your kids don't need to be raised by a homosexual retard and will be far better off
Hope you licked off the Cheeto dust before typin that one up. Don’t like the thread then gtfo retard.
OP is a loser who wants to scar his kids for life.
Kek triggered
Stop wasting the oxygen of your household you mongoloid.