How do you get this fat before 17

How do you get this fat before 17

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I would still impregnate her

Combo of no exercise, terrible diet and bad genetics.

pretty simple.

>bad genetics
So fucking sick of this meme. Literally all that matters is CICO, input and output. The closest genetics comes to it is her being related to her retarded fat parents who don't see a problem with letting a literal child eat herself into hyper obesity. She'll die young and without knowing what her body is capable of.

Oh look i pretend to be a doctor on Yas Forums.

Post more Jigglybitch

>How do you get this fat before 17

Parents never taught you how to eat right, probably because they're morbidly obese themselves.

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that's all i have

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>only doctors understand weight loss
There is not a single disease, ailment, or affliction genetic or otherwise that causes weight gain when eating at maintenance. Similarly, there is nothing that prevents weight loss when eating at a deficit. If you are fat it is because you are consuming more calories than your body needs and the surplus is stored as fat. That is the entire story. Anything else is literally a violation of the first law of thermodynamics, and you're not special enough to do that just to explain away a few pounds.

then what the fuck are you doing making a thread for 3 gifs. fuck off loser.

>The closest genetics comes to it is her being related to her retarded fat parents who don't see a problem with letting a literal child eat herself into hyper obesity

Fat mass and obesity-associated protein also known as alpha-ketoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase FTO is an enzyme that in humans is encoded by the FTO gene located on chromosome 16. As one homolog in the AlkB family proteins, it is the first mRNA demethylase that has been identified.[5] Certain alleles of the FTO gene appear to be correlated with obesity in humans. But okay

Eating a lot.

Isn't appetite part of genetics too? I would sometimes lose weight when I just ate till i was "full".

She definitely has big fat titties and she knows it. Trying to compete with skinny girls at that age must be hard.

I'd still tap that ass. Bet she keeps a tight snatch.

Still can't make you fat unless you eat a caloric surplus. Also read your the whole wiki page next time...
>38,759 Europeans were studied for variants of FTO obesity riskallele.[35]In particular,carriers of one copyof the allele weighed on average 1.2 kilograms (2.6lb) more than people with no copies.Carriers of two copies(16% of the subjects) weighed 3 kilograms (6.6lb) more and had a 1.67-fold higherrateof obesity than those with no copies. The association was observed in ages 7 and upwards. This gene is not directly associated with diabetes; however, increased body-fat also increases the risk of developingtype 2 diabetes.[36]
That girl is more than 3 kilos from healthy....

Also, this study needs to include american hogs like this bitch. way higher percentage of piggies than in europe. probably only a few in that whole study.

Fat chicks with big tits are like dogs with hair, most are unimpressive and the ones that don't have any look fucking weird. I bet when she takes her bra off they hang halfway to her belly button already and you know shes gona have gross stretched out areolas, because all fat chicks do.

A huge chunk of Americans obesity comes from minorities, but don't think for a second that they don't have fat people in large supply in Europe. I went to the UK last yesr for work and they are every bit as fat as us.

I guess I should have said.

MOSTLY NO EXERCISE, TERRIBLE DIET which is exacerbated by her bad genetics.

happy you pedantic cunt?

i didn't make the thread, someone here asked for more. calm the fuck down you goddamn faggot

Very true, blacks and mexicans are more likely to be obese. Fact remains, the US has a FAR higher percentage of obese people than europe. %15 percent more than germany, 10% more than uk, just at a glance.

Also, just measuring the percentage of obese people doesnt tell the whole story.

I would be willing to bet there is an even greater disparity when it comes to, im not sure of the terminaology, but the super obese?


It pisses me off when I see fat kids like that. I feel bad for them.

Its a moving, misshaped, disco ball!

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First to the food trough, last to leave. Repeat. Profit.

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Be Amerifat.

based and saved

have fat parents



i don't know what it is about this chick that makes me diamonds