If Trump is so dumb, how come he keeps outsmarting the Democrats?
If Trump is so dumb, how come he keeps outsmarting the Democrats?
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With bleach and sunlight obv
A retarded half aborted chimpanzee with 1/3rd of a brain could out smart the dems. Which to be fair Trump fits that criteria.
And yet, he will thrash the Democrats in 2020. Is it possible they're not as smart as they think they are?
He's not outsmarting anybody. He's only there because the election hasn't happened yet.
injecting disinfectant into their veins
I don't think Trump is stupid, he's at worst an idiot savant of media and public relations. But the Democrats continued faltering is just inconceivable. The only possible explanation is what they call Social Conformity but also Preference Falsification. You have to think that individually Democrats are pretty smart, but they are so afraid of stepping out of line, of saying something that they fear would make them a pariah within their own party, that they continue to act stupid because
>hurr hurr everybody else (in the democrats) is doing it
Even though they know that Biden is not the Trump beating candidate, even though they know the Steele Dossier was a crock of shit, even though they know that Trump kvetches to the fucking Saudis and Isrealis.
Yet politically, every instinct they have seems to be the total opposite to what would affect Trump.
It's like watching Tommy Wisseau, every inflection and creative decision is so wrong, that it turns into a kind of magic of myopia!
Only bleach and sunlight will show the way I guess.
Because politics is mostly about popularity and the overwhelming majority of his voters are dumb as fuck and there are so fucking many of them. Smarts actually put you in a disadvantage in any democracy.
However now that's Biden out him, I'd vote for him if I lived there.
senate majority
Beating the democrats is like kicking a passed out hobo. Is it really that much of an achievement to beat something that's so deep in sleep, and unaware of what's going on?
and electoral college
he hasn't fooled anyone, just bedazzled some mongs.
Pretty true tbh.
Dumb people don't like intelligence because it is inherently something foreign to them. People are afraid of what they don't understand. Make things simple and dumbed down for the masses and you're golden (orange)
oh, look. it's Friday.
>Even though they know that Biden is not the Trump beating candidate
I've yet to meet somehow that substantiated this beyond their own preferences. He consistently polls strongest against Trump, both in the primary and by 6 points now.
Trump is super smart, actually. If you can't see that you're not seeing the bigger picture. The Democrats are smitten with their own reflections.
He will continue to outsmart them over and over, and they will continue to laugh at how stupid he is, never waking up that he's playing a different game, one in which they always lose.
>He consistently polls strongest against Trump
You mean the same polls that said that Britain would vote remain, that Hilary had a 96% chance of beating Trump? Those incredibly trustworthy accurate polls?
Don't make me go full Taleb on you user.
But here, first let me share with you a clip from the best and most accurate political sitcom of all time youtube.com
Please watch it all the way through before you (you) me
>Trump is super smart
Then why can't he marshall a coherent thought?
he's not outsmarting anyone.
he is the useful tool/fool.
ask yourself: who truly benefits from his antics?
That's who is really in charge, not President Tide Pods here.
>You mean the same polls that said that Britain would vote remain, that Hilary had a 96% chance of beating Trump?
Can you tell me the difference between polling and projections?
He isn't, he's merely outsmarting Republicans.
You're right, I conflated the two. Not that it matters, because it's all bullshit anyway. What matters if a projection uses a good methodology if the data is from a fucking poll!
He doesnt outsmart democrats. He out-stupids republicans. Republican senators hated trump before he got elected, people like ted cruz publically denounced trump early on. But now that trump is president, the corporations that own republican senators told them they have to play nice with trump so they can get their corporate tax breaks and loopholes.
would things actually be different if hilldog won?
Because the average American is even dumber than him.
He can though! You try faithfully transcribe any extemporaneous speech, not something read off a teleprompter, and tell me how coherent it reads?
With all the stutters, repetitions, murmured apologizes for mispronunciations, uses of discourse markers like "uhh" "umm" "well" "so" "now"
It's not democrats or republicans which are dumb, it's the whole fucking american society. You fucking dumb ass niggers, if it was the same here we would be already overthrowing this fucking oligarchy with pitchforks. You have your second amendment so that people can protect their rights... YOU DOING QUITE A SHITTY JOB I COULD SAY. Liberty died long time ago and you cocksuckers did nothing to protect it. LMAO MAHHHH GUUUUUNS
Well we wouldn't be discussing bleach and sunlight right now that's for sure. So, yes.
This, bleach makes you stronger. Especially if you mainline it
Why does this dumb cunt have billions of dollars, a hot wife and is President of the greatest nation on Earth?
Good fucking question!
It's not that trump is that smart but that voters are that stupid.
Epstein would still be alive and walking free under a Presidential Pardon
what a stupid question. the answer is yes. if, 4 years ago we voted in a president from a polar opposite party, with a different method of running a country then yes. things would be different. Please stop posting, retard.
>if the data is from a fucking poll!
The polls since 2016 have been accurate. Trump boasted of an incoming "red wave", then several long standing republican strongholds went blue during the midterms, with the house retaken as well.
If you're going to boldly state Biden is weak against Trump, but use not even a sliver of data regarding how people like him or how many have been voting democrat of late, then I'm arguing with your stupid feelings.
Are you saying a lack of preparedness is admirable?
Is it possible that burgerfats are total fucking retards?
Can they both be true?
Tune in for the next exciting episode of Race to the bottom
He's not dumb and he's not crazy. The Democrats are outsmarting themselves by not activating dissatisfaction against Trump.
Trump is a corrupt, narcissistic goombah but he's rational and playing on the weakness in ethics whereby the first to break the rules wins.
The way the Republicans got a massive ocean of apolitical poor whites to suddenly feel like A) the goals of the very rich are theirs and B) they actually count in politics, was excellent positioning.
Nobody wins elections, but they can sure lose them.
And don't forget, how has succeeded spectacularly in three different careers
>Real Estate Developer
>Reality Television Star
Do you think Megan Markle and Prince Harry going to have even a 10th of his success? Despite being fucking royals!?
Hmmm it's almost like he's not a complete idiot after all... hmmmm
Oh look, it's summer
>Too smart to win
Lol you absolute tards never learn do you?
You're literally so stupid that you don't even know what intelligence is.
> billions of dollars
He promised to show his tax returns, but as with everything else, he lied. He is most likely in debt and owes huge amounts to very shady people. Only a trumpcuck degenerate would believe him, when he says he is the rich.
Because he inherited a fuck load of money from his daddy.
What!? Hell no!
I'm saying that when you transcribe the way real people speak, divorced of what linguists call "paralanguage" even the most eloquent speakers off-the-cuff can look disjointed and discursive.
So in the train of thought regarding the Iran nuclear deal, he talked about how smart his genes was, the poor treatment of women, how the liberal media is mean to them, brought up the hostage crisis in the 80's for whatever reason, then closed with how "they killed us", just killed it".
Removing Trump's forced confidence in his cadence leaves only the thought he is espouses, and it tends to be gibberish.
>What is inheritance
Silly burgerfats
>succeeded spectacularly
he's been a blundering lying rich boy through the whole mess, he was installed by the tiny clique of wealthy old men who've been running the USA for more than 60 years.
Madcow showed his tax forms on TV and showed he paid higher rates than Obama and Bernie combined in 2005.
>Another dumb cunt he's pissed off
Oh that's it.
Show me these polls. Out of how many seats, what is the accuracy rate of any given poll? What is the margin of error? Is it better than chance.
Show me these polls against the results.
And then show me how they can show mutual causation with Presidential results because we can back and forth about how accurate the polls are for the house and senate, but unless they also transfer to the executive, then we're both wasting our time.
>Real Estate Developer
>succeeded spectacularly
>lost more money than any individual tax payer in the 90's
>national credit ranking flags him as a high risk asset to US banks
>brags about how rich he is then fights tooth and nail to keep any real info of his finances hidden
I bet you think any rapper with a music video full of mansions and cars actually owns all that stuff.
>GWBush talks dumb frat boy shit
>the whole world wonders what the actual fuck
>Trump makes him look like a fucken statesman
15 years ago?
He inherited his business and a few million dollars, he used that to invest in the redevelopment of New York with massive tax breaks effectively getting free money.
If you think he's actually an idiot then you're a fucking retard and proved my point even further.
Even GWB won't have anything to do with Trump
>There is no law compelling him to show his tax forms
>The only one he leaked trolled Rachel Maddow live on national TV
>See my original post
It's like he's got dementia, I'm not kidding
> in 2005
lmao trumpcuck you are reaching so hard, pathetic loser.
both of you are idiots
Fuck you're stubborn.
Real conversation is discursive. You yourself are. Record a casual conversation you have, faithfully transcribe it them see for yourself!
Now let me ask you something, who is someone you admire, specifically someone who you think has efficacy and skills? Ideally someone out of the political realm for obvious reasons - but who is someone you admire.
Who is someone you think is skilled because of something they actually achieve, like a scientist, or a anthropologist, or a photographer... whatever field it is as long as it's outside of politics?
He's not outsmarting anyone, he's outdumbing them.
No law, so what. He's just hiding what a failure he is