How many of you think you'll die alone?
How many of you think you'll die alone?
It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks. We all die alone.
I'm going to live forever.
You’ll probably be dead in the next decade, faggot.
not if we get nuked
t.seething mortal
Who cares if I die alone, I still get enjoyment from laughing at your stupid fucking sad Bart Simpson picture
that's pretty sad if you get enjoyment from that
I'm fairly certain I will. I get great people and girlfriends in my life and somehow manage to ruin it every single time. feelsbadman
Already dead inside
I used to think that until I realized that changing personality was as simple as acting like a different stereotype everyday.
So, today is your day to act like a shitposting nigger?
I'll die with my cat, and then he'll probably eat my corpse once he runs out of food.
eat him first to establish dominance
Real talk, I think I'll die alone.
we all die alone, even the two fags in the notebook died alone, nobody can die with you even if you're holding hands no matter how cutesy it looks
you'd want it no other way for your cat i'd imagine.. you want that little bugger not to starve after all!
I don't take passengers on my mc, so yes, alone, unless you count thr truck driver
Yes, how could you tell?
Right here pal
Oh I know it buddy. The trick that makes it work is that I've stopped caring a long time ago.
I think about this a lot honestly. I've been in relationships before, but I can't seem to make them last. I feel like I'm too much of a social retard to actually make myself fully available to someone. The idea of having someone by my side always is great but I don't know if I could handle that type of weight, you know?
I don't think I'm going to die alone but I've been alone for 20 years now, and I don't see it changing anytime soon.
Well it would be sad if I did but not the end of the world.
Everyone dies alone, no one dies with them. Even if its like a plane crash, everyone becomes involved in their own mortality, and essentially dies alone.
Mass shooters don't die alone
You come into this world alone, and you leave it alone. Why should life be any different?
- Diogenes
323 BCE
Yeah, but how do you stop caring? I can't seem to get my stupid fucking brain to shut the fuck up about shit that happened 10 years ago.
Nigger it's been like 4 weeks. Seriously you can't go 4 weeks without punching around up to your nuts in guts of some fat heifer without spinning off into some existential crisis?
I mean holy shit get a grip son.
Pretty okay with it at this point, have done nothing but hurt the women who enter my life by being completely unable to feel anything for anyone. Being alone is what I truly enjoy and generally despise people or use them for entertainment. Feel like a slave to my programming because I still long for raising children but don’t feel a desire to date let alone marry.
I do. I usually have 2-4 year relationships with a year or two in between but nothing ever lasts. They cheat. They lie. I always end up getting fucked, but it always ends in that same amount of time. But this last time was 4 years ago and going on 5. Everything I see of women today makes me never want to get back into the dating scene. What's the fucking point? They all cheat or lie or use you. Then they throw you away. So yeah, I'll probably die alone. I'm 37 and I already know that.
That's because you're stupid and weak.
We die alone, but live amongst men
John Marston
Right now time is passing slowly because you still think you're young and all kinds of exciting things are going on. Very soon, all of that will slow down, and christmases will pass in what feels like every few months. Then you worry about the inevitability of life alone a lot less, becuase 1, you see everyone you know get divorced and ruin their lives and their kids lives, 2, you realize the only time you actually want to see another human naked has passed
2.5 you realize the only time you actually want another human to see you naked has passed
3 you realize how extremely quickly you will be dying, even if some chance thing doesn't kill you early. You get like a few decades to live, then a few decades to enjoy your body falling apart. That's it. None of the shit that seems to matter when you're in your teens and twenties matters as you coast out of your thirties into the rest of your mature life. I used to want a ferrari, user. I don't know why, sure it looked red and sexy and everyone else said everyone wants a ferrari, so I wanted one too. You know what a fucking pain in the ass a ferrari is to own? $17000 muffler, $1200 oil changes, an engine that blows up after 20,000 miles... I mean, they're neat, but let other people kill themselves trying to maintain them. If it flies, floats, or fucks, it's better to rent it.
mmmmm... men.