Why does everyone nowadays try so hard to appear "too good to care" by being overly sarcastic and ironic?

Why does everyone nowadays try so hard to appear "too good to care" by being overly sarcastic and ironic?

Don't people care about anything or are they just trying really hard to appear like they don't?

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They’re probably doing it to escape the fact that they aren’t doing any better themselves

damn I love dancing black men gifs from 2007

I mean, who doesn't?

People care. It just gets tiring seeing the same shit over and over and over. Humor blows off steam. Doesn’t mean they don’t really care.

You from Cali I bet huh

t. you

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so basically people are angry that they're inable to do anything about what change they want to see in the world?

You from Texas I bet partner

... nowadays? lol this shit has been going on since the 80's. I remember full well all the edgy floof haired synth crowds who were just too cool to bother.

when you know something you don't care about other ways of looking at it. instead of learning things dumb people copy the end result, not caring.

Its like when you see people name fallacies orsay, "not an argument" repeatedly. at one timeboth of those yactics were used legitimately on some dumbass so dumbasses copied the end result and said "same thing right?"

Mimickry is the sincerest form of flattery. After that everyone has to do it stronger, harder, more...THE BEST.

do you browse plebbit regularly, god damn man you smell of pompous

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The universe will fall into a state low entropy and nothing will survive. There is no point to anything. Caring is for idiotic people who then virtue signal when you dont.

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Nope. Just stoned and actually took the time to answer a stupid question by someone all butthurt because they're likely in the school of fish "dumbass" crowd.

Not an argument

you smoke weed bro? and other people are dumb? wow ur cool, I want to be your friend

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You are an elitist loser.

Also, if you seem to care people will use it against you.

can't care about everything, everywhere, all the time. personally, I can become numb to the same ol' bullshit or know I've no skin in the game, or have no interest... that's when sarcasm comes out strong. however, there are many things I care deeply about and my reaction is much different. I'm sure most everyone is similar. you think you're overreacting/oversimplifying things OP?

and actively mock you

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Maybe if you stopped being a stuck up pompous dick you could quit the weed and do something with your life.

lol looks like you stepped on some very tender toes there.

You can come to my birthday party. No one else though

funny how he got all radio silent, but I know his type he is probably reading all these comments and thinking they're from one person

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It was a joke but for real what you said wasnt an argument. And I won't go to your bday you reddit sounding nigger

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oh wait, he replied and tried to act all cool lmao

yeah mudding all day drinking beers really disappointed my mother

No one cares retard

I could be like this guy and offer the thread nothing but second person narrative

were you ever in a fight?


No way. Was that thethread topic? Oh shit itsjust oike movies!

Assumptions are useless.

>"waaah waaah, my mommy and daddy never gave me enough of attention that is why I come online to act cool and smart and demand others people respect for smoking weed and mouthing them off"
okay? lol

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I care about my big Yas Forumsrother's well-being~are you doing alright tonight?

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>and drinking beers and mudding

The topic changed when you decided to be an enormous faggot

everyone can see through your thin veiled facade of coolness
you're fat and unpopular, your father gives you money to act cool around your friends but everyone secretly makes fun of you


You guys are really hot for me arencha

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Come on dude he smokes weed we have to respect him and his daddies money.

as hot as 2$ pistol I'll tell you hwat

I'd rape you're anus after I cut off ur limbs


No your getting all of the hugs available in stock!~

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oh please
you're not funny or interesting or trolling, you're just covering up your bruised up feelings

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now if the audience had to guess if poster one, or poster two made this reply; what would they guess?

I say poster two anus rape

wrong mr wong

choke on bat soup you gook

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Poster 98 take it or leave it

the better question is why idiots like you think a couple posts equal the entirety of people, fuck off and have some god-damned critical thinking for once in your life instead of posting here

Put the gun down son we can talk about dis!

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Well shit. You win the internet tonight. I lose. Zero. Lost. Okay now~

okay papa

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