What do you think about Morrissey?
What do you think about Morrissey?
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I like his music. He's a cunt and a diva.
Overrated as fuck. Out of tune. That said, I like a few Smiths songs.
I don't
'ate muzlims
'ate the queen
'ate meat eaters
simple as
Pretty much this!
Don't like a thing the unintellectual and crude assmonger has done, said or thought.
overrated piece of garbage, stole billie eilish's act of being all moody and pensive but is actually corporate trash
Pretentious cunt, ignorant about 90 percent of how the world works, good music for its era.
gay AND based, a rare breed
Slight cunt, but redpilled about alot of things
"Morrissey rides a cockhorse" -Worlock Pincers
I thought his concert was funny as fuck he played videos of animals being murdered on a big screen while he was singing.
I'm one of his core fans, and I adore everything about him (except for the veganism), but that's because I'm a imminently suicidal schizoid freak.
Pic related - glad I got to see him in my lifetime. I came to the concert alone, sang my heart out while the normies looked at me like the weirdo I am, and left with a smile on my face.
Was pleasantly surprised by his new album - might be his best since You Are the Quarry
Morrissey's solo career has proven right what he said about the other Smiths being little more than session musicians
Ah, yiss.
>wrote 2 albums calling out Jews
>said that Chinese people aren't human
>supports an alt-right party
>volcel for the vast majority of his life, friendships are few and fleeting (no social marketability)
If he's supposed to be corporate trash, he certainly could be doing better.
I'm not even saying he isn't greedy, I'm just saying that it is something different than corporate greed
Really? Shit... dude could be swimming in puss.
I like everything he's done, even the weaker stuff like Maladjusted. Love the best stuff, like Your Arsenal and Southpaw Grammar.
Got to see him in Denver in 2002 and it was great; he opened with "I Want The One I Can't Have" which is in my top 5 for Smiths songs.
There's more to life than sex
I think it is wrong for him not to always be glad.
Good guy, wrote and performs some nice music, and i like what he stands for in life. Based!
he was born to be famous even when he wasn't
Absolute genius who should’ve stopped while he was Ahead and still sane. The Smiths are one of the best bands ever so will always be held in high regard.
I love "Brown Eyed Girl" and "Moondance"
he should take Sparks' advice and 'lighten up'
I respect him, I honestly do. I know he's talented, and has immense staying power.
But fuck Morrisey. Fuck him right in the ear. He makes me cringe. Smiths or alone. I never could stand him.
I hate almost fucking note of music I have heard from this cunt. He's the kind of guy that if he showed up to a party, I would leave.
>stole Billy...
Dude I just posted how much I hate him, but I am pretty sure he's unable to travel time.
3/10 post
probable bait but made me reply.